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any mods out there that lets you assign custom face textures, either by race or individual?


i tried Unique Bodies and this did work for faces but bugs discussed in the comment section tell of much darker faces than bodies, and that happened to me too. tried Unique Everything and it seems like it should allow faces, but it is not. not sure if Skyrim 1.8 update broke it tho. but i tried everything, even making it into an esm. tried Spice of Life but it doesn't work for faces.


anyone know of any? thanks

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Good day. I was wondering if anyone knows a mod that would allow to change the character face or hairdo without starting a new game? If there is one , please tell me. Thanks in advance.







i hope those help. cheers!

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I'm looking for two mods, first is a perk tree mod to remove the requirements for a helmet on the Light Armour tree to gain the bonuses of the Custom Fit, Wind Walker, Matching Set & Deft Movement perks, irks me that you spend ages working on your characters look only to cover it up with a helmet...


The second mod I'm looking for adds a fur "cape/cloak" similar to what Jarl Balgruuf wears. I'm not sure if this exists, I thought I saw something similar a few months ago but my memory isn't that great.


Any help would be appreciated, thanks :thumbsup:

Can anyone help? :(


great mod that has tons of outfits split into separate pieces. it has the Jarl fur you speak of. 2 types in fact


i think this perk mod has no helmet req


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any mods out there that lets you assign custom face textures, either by race or individual?


i tried Unique Bodies and this did work for faces but bugs discussed in the comment section tell of much darker faces than bodies, and that happened to me too. tried Unique Everything and it seems like it should allow faces, but it is not. not sure if Skyrim 1.8 update broke it tho. but i tried everything, even making it into an esm. tried Spice of Life but it doesn't work for faces.


anyone know of any? thanks

There is my mod, Unique Races (UR) as well as Unique Everything (UE). Both have similarities to each other and to Unique Bodies.


The biggest differences between UR & UE are the following:

UE allows for custom skeletons so that you can have different types of body physics installed. It also modifies the race records and is therefore not compatible with other mods that change races.

UR does not modify the race record or allow for custom skeletons. UR's focus is on unqiue underwear by race tho it can support unique nude bodies as well as unique faces.


Obviously, I lean towards UR. But I have no qualms if you decide the UE is right for you. In either case, please be aware of a known bug where the _s & _sk maps on the texture sets for the head meshes are not read and as a result those files are read from the nif file. You may have to manually edit any head mesh files that you apply to any one specific race to point those textures to the correct custom location.

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any mods out there that lets you assign custom face textures, either by race or individual?


i tried Unique Bodies and this did work for faces but bugs discussed in the comment section tell of much darker faces than bodies, and that happened to me too. tried Unique Everything and it seems like it should allow faces, but it is not. not sure if Skyrim 1.8 update broke it tho. but i tried everything, even making it into an esm. tried Spice of Life but it doesn't work for faces.


anyone know of any? thanks

There is my mod, Unique Races (UR) as well as Unique Everything (UE). Both have similarities to each other and to Unique Bodies.


The biggest differences between UR & UE are the following:

UE allows for custom skeletons so that you can have different types of body physics installed. It also modifies the race records and is therefore not compatible with other mods that change races.

UR does not modify the race record or allow for custom skeletons. UR's focus is on unqiue underwear by race tho it can support unique nude bodies as well as unique faces.


Obviously, I lean towards UR. But I have no qualms if you decide the UE is right for you. In either case, please be aware of a known bug where the _s & _sk maps on the texture sets for the head meshes are not read and as a result those files are read from the nif file. You may have to manually edit any head mesh files that you apply to any one specific race to point those textures to the correct custom location.


so your mod works for faces and bodies? nice. will try

as i stated, i tried UE and it worked fine for bodies and skeletons, but nadda on faces. here's a discussion on it rather then post it here (starts at bottom post)...



yeah i thought for sure UE would allow faces, but either update 1.8 broke it, or i have something deeply "baked" into my saves that's not allowing faces in UE. or could that s and sk texture bug u spoke of make faces not work in UE?

anyway, they worked in UB (but too dark) and i'll try yours. thanks!!

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Noob needing help. Have just installed Skyrim and the two DLC:s. Now I’m looking for some good mods and I’m overwhelmed by all the mods out there. How do I know how combine them so the game don’t crash? Are there any mods that combines other mods that works well together and if, where do I find them?


Sorry about my bad English :blush:

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