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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Hello everybody,


I am looking for a mod which either

-makes it easy for placing things. (For example putting a book, cub or something else easy on a table or anything else) without having to try it half an hour until it is the way you want it.




- gives you special "chests" or similar, which you can place somewhere and then put things in it (For example putting a chest near a smithing place or at home, where you can put iron ingots, etc inside.)


I appreciate your help if anyone knows and would like to thank you guys :3

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Hey, I am looking for a mod or mods that will add many items to the world and or dungeons that drop to fit around your level. These items should already come enchanted and upgraded on par with enchanting and smithing. Basicly, I am looking to beable to play the game without leveling enchanting and smithing but still get good items, just not quite as overpowering as enchanting and smithing buffs with alchemy and etc. Going into a dungeon or walking around the world seems so much better then sitting in town leveling crafting and being rewarded well for exploration is so much fun.

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I'ìm looking for an alteraton of dark brotherhood armor that gives a more femoine look to it...i had it installed for quite long and can't find it anymore...


it was based on the vanilla,and it wasn't skimpy or anything like that...just a prettier version...


and also it came with options of non weight slider support for always having big breasts...

Edited by zzjay
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So it was TERA armors btw...I figured it out after I said it was an MMO...derp.


Here's a tough one for you on this mod page: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/29649


Theres a picture of a male character in some really smexy armor that no one can figure out what mod it comes from, and the author isn't giving anything away (plus I think they don't speak english as a first language so...). It's the sixth picture down titled Arrogent Walking.


Reminds me a little of the Blood Witch Armor mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21572/


But for males...and not red.


No one has a clue what armor is in that pic?

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