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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Is there a mod that changes the atmosphere of the game at night time?

For example: Pitch black nights, heavy rain, eerie noises, shadows flashing past, stalked/attacked by enemies.

I'm looking for anything that will make Skyrim at night a darker (hardcore) experience.

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Is there a mod that changes the atmosphere of the game at night time?


For example: Pitch black nights, heavy rain, eerie noises, shadows flashing past, stalked/attacked by enemies.


I'm looking for anything that will make Skyrim at night a darker (hardcore) experience.


Survive the night and Realistic Nights should make for an interesting combination. Haven't tried it yet, though.

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I'm searching for a mod for eye mesh where it "fixes" the black shadows that can occur in certain ENB under certain conditional lighting (no I don't think that's the complete black eye bug).


I've seen that mod appear in the frontpage at one point but didn't consider downloading it, and now I can't find it. Correct me if I'm wrong though as my memory can take some bad turns.

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I remember some time ago seeing a mod which made glass armor look less "flashy", more like a regular/realistic armor (possibly changing glass parts with some other material, but unfortunatly can't remember for sure what it did and can't find it now). Screenshot of how glass armor looks for me in game now (and which I don't like) that might clarify what I'm looking for.


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