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Skyrim - Mod Detectives Thread


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Looking for an older dugneon mod I played a few years ago. It was a very large multi-level dungeon with an entrance hatch in Riverwood, I think. It had nearly 100 levels, with each being a decent size dungeon in itself. It had some custom armor and weapons within, and I think it had a vampire theme. Anyone happen to know the mod I'm talking about? I would love you forever! Thanks!


Think I found it. Original had been taken down. Vampiris Infinium was the name! Amazing mod, recommend it, new version should be even better!

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I believe the mod you are looking for is Alicia Painsl*t, not available here on the Nexus. There are two versions of it on LL (just google Alicia painsl*t), don't know which one is preferable, you'll have to look for yourself.


She is actually in a hidden cellar under Hjerim in Windhelm, but killed a previous master and is a masochist like you remember. I had tried it a couple of years ago, the sex and violence doesn't bother me, but the mod itself I only found average. I'd rather have some of the top notch followers on the Nexus like Sofia and add in some SL mods if I want that kind of stuff.


PS, replace the * in the name with an appropriate vowel when you search for it, the Nexus is not LL and just trying to keep things here friendly

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Is there a mod that lets you put more than one enchantment on a weapon or armor? I really want to make a bow that does soul trap and shock damage at the same time, since that way I won't have to run around trying to find soul gems to keep a plain shock bow running.


(I know, I could go on the construction kit and create a bow with multiple enchantments that way, but I'm not very experienced with the kit and it doesn't run well on this laptop for reasons I can't figure out)

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Tattooofhername, I don't know about a mod, but the highest Enchantment perk enables you to put two enchantments on one item. Sorry if you are trying to specifically find a mod that does that, but I thought I would let you know anyway. :smile:

Oh wow! I can't believe I missed that. Now I feel smart XD

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In Oldrim, way back when, there was a companion I stumbled across. She wore very skimpy merta gear (fishnets, underwear, and little else, all black), had black hair with a bow, looked very young and white-asian, used a UNP body, and started in the Temple of Kynareth. I had a pang of nostalgia for the old days, and can't find this follower again. Does anyone know who it is?

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I'm having the hardest time finding a mod. It involves npcs in the game commenting on and affiliating you with the clothing you're wearing. For example, if you wear Stormcloak armor into a Stormcloak camp, they won't attack, even if you're an Imperial. Or, if you wear Thieves Guild armor, the guards will notice and mention it. Same thing with Dark Brotherhood armor, etc. I think I watched a Brodual or some similar YouTuber highlight on it forever ago, but I can't find the video.

Hopefully one of you guys can help me.


EDIT: Found it! It's "Master of Disguise" by fireundubh. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9959

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