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AlphaProperty to an armor ?

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How can i attach the NiAlphaProperty to the NiTriShape of an armor?

While in the 'Fallout'-meshes it was easy to attach an Alpha-property to an armor's NiTriShape, in the 'Skyrim'-meshes it allways 'jumps' into the file's Main NiNode ...


any suggestion how i can correct this?


greetz freddo

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thanks for the reply, that was really quick ... :blink: .. and it works of course;


sorry, that i didn't find that thread, tho i searched for; must be my limited english ... :wallbash:


thanx, Ghogiel, and Kudos;

greetz freddo

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i just found another 'issue' ...


the see-thru-part of the mesh (a robe) is invisible only from the outside - the inside is still visible;

means, the front side is 'shortend' to the knees, while the backside of the robe still reaches down to the feet;

i compared it with some vanilla-outfits, to see if it's a wrong shader, but i didn't find the problem ... any idea?


greetz freddo

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