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Satisfying Brotherhood of Steel Questline (SPOILERS)


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Hello everyone!


I made mods in the past, but I don't have the time and skills required for this idea. Maybe someone else does?


SPOILER WARNING! The Fallout 4 story will have to be discussed bellow:


I hate 3 things in the Brotherhood of Steel questline:

- Dense is a Synth

Why do I have a problem with this?

Dense is an exemplary soldier, and I really liked fighting for the Brotherhood side by side with this capable paladin. He is also the only Brotherhood of Steel follower available. It's a huge spit in the player's face when you discover that the only true and badass Brotherhood soldier is a Synth.


- Elder Maxson

Why do I have a problem with this?

I don't like him at all, his character is not interesting, not engaging... waste of space. It would have been way better if the player can become the faction leader.


- The Brotherhood blows up the Institute

Why do I have a problem with this?

It's a contradiction with everything the Brotherhood of Steel stands for. I don't think much explanation is needed here... blowing up countless of high-end tech gadgets and the ONLY working nuclear reactor makes zero sense.


How to fix all of this?

The questline can go the same way it does now until the confrontation with Dense who the Brotherhood leaders claim to be a Synth.


- Dense can then reveal that he is in fact flash and blood and that the records have been falsified by no other then the true Synth a**hole in the Brotherhood: Elder Maxson.

- You and Dense can then have a confrontation with Elder Maxson where Maxson is revealed to be a Synth and Synth reinforcements try to rescue him but you kill his traitor ass.

- Dense's record is cleared of charges, and the Brotherhood soldiers and leaders present name you to be the next Elder. You take your rightful place in the lead with your badass friend and right hand: Paladin Dense.

- Before the final battle at some point you should be allowed to make a choice to occupy the Institute and confiscate all technology instead of blowing it up. No human scientist needs to be harmed unless they refuse to stand down. Synths are to be destroyed and the Synth production facility is to be shut down after studied by Brotherhood scientists. The nuclear reactor is started by the Brotherhood and their power and position in the Commonwealth is established for centuries to come. The end. The Institute would remain open with Brotherhood paladins patrolling and Brotherhood scientist keeping an eye on the Institute scientists. Institute scientist would be given a chance to convert to the Brotherhood's cause in due time if they prove themselves loyal.


- You could have a less negative final farewell with Shawn, because his Institute is not destroyed. Maybe he could actually admit that making Synths may have been a mistake because existing robots like Mr Handy are way safer and can provide the labor of Synths except for replacing humans which is not morally acceptable.

- Another extra could be to choose to ignore the Railroad instead of destroying it on grounds that they will not represent a threat once the Institute is dealt with. There could also be an occupation option... why not?


If someone is strong at doing quests, editing scripts and creating new dialogue reusing existing lines... I think this is a realistic project that would be very positively received by Brotherhood of Steel fans.


That is all. Cheers!

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Had you taken over a settlement for the Brotherhood? What happens when that happens? I never bothered with the supplies quest.

nothing at all, infact it is possible to have that quest pointed at one settlement and only one settlement ever, so yeah back and forth to constantly harass one settlement for food.


never liked that quest because we as the player can set up farm settlements that can supply the hole commonwealth with food and yet the brother hood will not take it, or even consider it.



bleh the brotherhood in fallout 4 are just raiders white knighting as their past.


though I do not agree with the above posters mod idea, think if anything some one should overhaul the brotherhood out right and remove some cut content (hint: in the files there is dialog for having dance overthrow maxson because maxson is a racist ass.)

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Funny thing is...all that sounds really close to the original planned Brotherhood quest-path that was cut...


And I totally agree that Maxon is going against the Brotherhood MO by nuking the Institute...If the West Coast Elders are still alive (Not looking good for them in New Vegas...), I'm sure that would cause the entire East Coast Chapter to be branded Outcast. Sure Artificial Humans would likely still be looked down on...and the Brotherhood has never been interested in Agriculture...but a new Nuclear Reactor design? Teleportation? THE ABILITY TO CREATE PLASTIC WITHOUT PETROCHEMICALS! ... ... ...oh his ass would be grass, most definitely.

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Not to mention, Maxson is completely violating brotherhood protocol by issuing direct orders to anyone not a General or Sentinel, this action is in fact reason enough alone for him to be removed from his position.


No member of the brotherhood may give orders to anyone but their direct underlings, Elders order the Generals, Generals order Paladins, Paladins order Knights, Knights order Initiates. This also includes the ranks of those tiers, from entry level to Head. This very policy is in place to prevent favoritism between high ranking members and either their kin, or favored low-ranking members. Sentinels are a very special rank used only by the East Coast whom are basically Generals allowed to operate purely at their own discretion.


The very fact Maxson gives you any missions and orders himself, even as the Elder, is a complete violation, just like it was when Lyons did it, and if I recall.. was grounds enough for you to remove the elder from his position in New Vegas in the first place.


So.. either the west coast is letting him do whatever he wants, or Maxson is not only violating their own codes, he's making sure the reports back west don't mention it at all. Either way, those seem like great grounds for the west coast to want him removed from power, even if he's a descendant of the great Maxson family line.

Edited by Veliwine
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It was great to read up on all your comments. This idea may never happen, but it's nice to see we have some common ideas.


@warbrand2: Dense actually has existing dialogue for overthrowing Maxson? o_O

@jediakyrol: Where can I check up on this alternate original quest-plan?
@Veliwine: Totally agree with the chain of command argument. It's one of the foundations of the original Brotherhood.

Edited by spwned
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It also shows that Bethesda can't even get their own lore straight...In Fallout 3, they referred to the Brotherhood Archives as "The Codex"...which sure...is a reasonable alternative name...but in these cut audio logs...Danse calls it "The Litany" ... ... ...


But yeah...Artie seriously broke the Chain that Binds...Maxon the Third (Fallout 1) managed to bend it by suggesting "someone" should investigte Mariposa...and upon your return to inform him about the super mutants he tells the entire Brotherhood to wipe them out. And Lyons "technically" didn't...as most of his orders were to the Sentinel (East Coast Paladin Commander/Head Paladin) who happened to be his daughter and others were as the father of said daughter speaking to her companion as far as I can remember

Edited by jediakyrol
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