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Worst Possible Character Setup


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Time for a new character. But instead of figuring out which new tank I want to make, I want to give a hell of a challenge.


So...been considering this.

I have about 81 skill points to deal with over time..eventually I am going to become some form of arse kicker (at least later on), but initially I want to make a "regular joe".




Max out speechcraft first..(9 perk points) / Level 9

Max out Pickpocketing (12 points) / Level 21

Max out lockpicking (11 points) / Level 32

Max out Alchemy (13 points) / Level 45

Here is where I run into a problem, from this point on, I will have to start down an actual useful trade

I could go into smithing, but making good swords/armor/etc will increase my likelyhood to survive. Same with enchantment.


So, help me configure a path that allows me to be the highest level, while being still owned by skeevers...

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From what I understand, you wish to make a useful character out of this initial setup. In that case I would add in sneak, since you then, together with pickpocketing and alchemy can create posions and place them on unaware enemies, which will harm them with time. What comes after that depends.


Are you planning to max out all the other perk trees before choosing any other perk in other trees, or what?


EDIT: Forget the above, since you seem to be asking for skill trees that still will get you owned by everyone...

Edited by amycus
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Well, I could take up the illusion and such, however, my "in game character" doesn't want to be useless..so, if he can do something to help his survivability out, he will...and yes, eventually he will be very useful and more than just a smooth talking wimp, but want to hold that off for ages.


I think armor may be a good start...light armor of course (can't have that heavy stuff mess up my hair)

Also, perhaps just the restoration tree of magic (can heal, but can't fight..will prolong the death experience to a long drawn out painful experience until final death)


The most useless hero in skyrim.

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Sneak, perhaps?


I am of the opinion that sneak is perhaps the most overpowered tree in the whole game.

I can literally roll through dungeons, full armor, carrying 400lbs of crap and not be detected by anything, including etherial demons, no traps, etc...roll in, roll out, leave everyone alive (and pickpocket any main quest givers).


I kill stuff (backstab) simply out of boredom and wanting to get the "special move" cutscene...trying to perfect the distance and whatnot..tough to figure out


But ya, with sneak, all but dragons become absolutely no challenge at all (hard to be beaten by something that doesn't even see you)

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sorry to say this but even with the skilltrees you mentioned you will be powerful at some level (if you have the patience to endure this kind of gameplay though).


Speech will make you a rich, persuasive Intimidator. You will be able to buy and sell good gear, bribe guards, and talk your way out of a few sticky situations.


Pickpocketing will further increase your wealth and give you some good gear. Besides, combined with Alchemy, you will be able to poison a enemy (will be hard without sneak though).


Lockpicking is the weakest skilltree in my opinion though. There is really not much to gain here.


However, Alchemy on the other Hand is a killer. You can create murderous poisons and potions that can make you a power house and combined with your wealth that you gathered before, you will always have a nice collection of colored bottles to strike absolute terror into the hearts of your enemies.


So even with the "weakests" Skilltrees, at Lv. 81 you will be known.

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