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My 'Days are Gone' - No seriously! I need help!


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Hey there guys!


Today I have discovered a weird bug in Fallout 4 and I can't find any help in Google, so ... o__o


Even though the ingame time is set to 11am, it's dark!

It's always dark!

It seems to be day, I can see the sun in the sky, but all sunlight is gone.

At night time I can see stars ect. eveything is normal.


Please, I can't play like that.
Even though it has more of an atomic winter ...




I had the mod "Darker Nights" once installed, but I uninstalled it last week and after that the game was still fine.


- I tried to change the game settings

- I restarted the computer

- I looked for a daytime console command. The one I found gave me sunlight for 1 minute, then it went dark again. ( the ingame time was set on 13pm)


The screeshot is actually taken at daytime!


Please help me fix this!


Thank you!

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Check in Fallout.ini if these lines (under [Display] are still there and set as such:


If they are, then re-install Darker Nights and see to it that the mod is set to use regular day/night time, save, and uninstall the mod again...
You can also search around in your game's data folder to see if there's anything left behind from Darker Nights and get rid of it.
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