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Changing Armour Type (invisible body parts)


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I've been trying to change some of the Dragon Priest masks armor Types from Heavy to light in TES5EDIT, so i had to make a new plug-in that overrides the FormIds, but when i do so it makes my entire head part invisible completely in-game when i equip them. Its like its not loading the meshes/textures at all yet the file paths are all correct etc. Any Reason why?

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Have you tried making the changes in CK instead? I've never had any problems making this kind of edit using the creation kit. Load up skyrim.esm and update.esm, then find the item under the armor category, change armor type from heavy to light, adjust the armor rating and weight appropriately, and under keywords remove ArmorHeavy then add ArmorLight. You may also want to change the ArmorMaterial(type) here. Nothing else should need to be touched like slots or anything to do with the ArmorAddon itself. Save as new esp and put it somewhere reasonable in your load order.


Sorry if I am explaining stuff you already know. If it doesn't help any let us know exactly how you are making your changes and any relevant mods you are using.

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