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a quest that gets you points with both the NCR and Caesar's Legion, drawing a bit from Heart of Darkness, General Germanicas has built himself a nice little fortification where he's just being a really sick, sick, puppy. Now in one bit of joint agreement he has to die.
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Could work, have a commanding officer whos gone off the deep end.


For Legion he could be ordering suicidal attacks on local wildlife like a large deathclaw population or such, maybe trying to raid a vault to gather some sort of tech that is against legion doctrine. With his force dwindling in numbers drastically the common legionaires and a few low level officers could want him gone so they can go and rejoin the main force of the legion.


For NCR it would also be easy, you could have it as an officer who refused to follow the order to regroup at the Dam but instead took his detachment off on some fools errand to attack a legion outpost of no real value, occupied by a larger force.


Plenty of options to make it work as a benefit to both.

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