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TFC snaps back


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I am having an issue where I will be using tfc and the camera will snap back to it's original position and I don't have control of my character. Typing tfc again will let me control my character as normal. I can use tfc for maybe 10 seconds before the snap. Any ideas?


The only mod I have that affects the camera is Immersive first person view,

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Note1 the game world doesn't stop unless you type TFC 1, some Event or Script fired while you were playing with console, then you foolishly saved so....


The Developers Console is for Developers

May I ask what Mod are currently working on, you have pique my interests.


Offense intended this time!


Note2 any changes with console are Persistent on Reloading & Save.

So when playing with console don't save & close game to desktop & Load said game before continuing your playthru.


So the Bug is YOU, hopefully I have Squash this once & for all?


"Stop playing with Console"






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  • 3 years later...

Note1 the game world doesn't stop unless you type TFC 1, some Event or Script fired while you were playing with console, then you foolishly saved so....


The Developers Console is for Developers

May I ask what Mod are currently working on, you have pique my interests.


Offense intended this time!


Note2 any changes with console are Persistent on Reloading & Save.

So when playing with console don't save & close game to desktop & Load said game before continuing your playthru.


So the Bug is YOU, hopefully I have Squash this once & for all?


"Stop playing with Console"






I know this is old and i normally don't post around here but damn if you aren't annoying. If you're gonna be useless at least do it without the snark.

Edited by Ayserxx
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  • 1 year later...

Note1 the game world doesn't stop unless you type TFC 1, some Event or Script fired while you were playing with console, then you foolishly saved so....


The Developers Console is for Developers

May I ask what Mod are currently working on, you have pique my interests.


Offense intended this time!


Note2 any changes with console are Persistent on Reloading & Save.

So when playing with console don't save & close game to desktop & Load said game before continuing your playthru.


So the Bug is YOU, hopefully I have Squash this once & for all?


"Stop playing with Console"






Another year later and i'm also here just comment on how much of a c*%! that dude is

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  • 1 month later...


Note1 the game world doesn't stop unless you type TFC 1, some Event or Script fired while you were playing with console, then you foolishly saved so....


The Developers Console is for Developers

May I ask what Mod are currently working on, you have pique my interests.


Offense intended this time!


Note2 any changes with console are Persistent on Reloading & Save.

So when playing with console don't save & close game to desktop & Load said game before continuing your playthru.


So the Bug is YOU, hopefully I have Squash this once & for all?


"Stop playing with Console"






I know this is old and i normally don't post around here but damn if you aren't annoying. If you're gonna be useless at least do it without the snark.


A month and a half later I and he's still a c***.

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