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Curious What People think of Mod Ideas?


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Hey Everyone!! Hopefully posting in best place for this....: Ive done several play throughs of F4 on PS4 and recently got a it on PC & my first Gaming PC... Been slowly learning the basics of how to Mod. Going slow and really trying to learn this stuff. Still very basic. I have a few ideas for Mods im just not sure either if they are possible or if there would be any interest in them.... Some ideas I've had so far:


-- Time Travel's End: A Quest to build a time machine room and go back in time to do whatever you want. Everything in said room can be brought back with you. So you can blow up the institute and go back in time.... Now use the Institute to destroy other factions. Basically trying for the best immersive method of completing most if not all missions & receiving every weapon (such as ones only available doing a certain end).


-- Museums of the Commonwealth (Quests & Locations): Newly Opened Locations! Perfect for Tourists from such regions as the NCR or even for locals. Come and learn history, legend, how the world ended up as it is, and discover the past of the Commonwealth! And thanks to help from the Cabot Family, Knowledge of the Past is constantly growing! Museums Covering the more Fringe aspects to Museums exploring life as it was 200 years ago!


-- HoloPlays: for those real classic radio plays like Murder at Midnight... Lights Out... Orson Wells stuff... Simply Old Time Radio similar to X Minus One mod (on my to try out list but sounds familar just different shows)


-- Holotape Player (their is one in your Sanctuary house): turn the base Holotape Player into a bulk holotape player to be able to listen every one you have without manually changing. You can start collecting alot of holotapes, and can learn good bit from them... but can be bit much playing each one manually.

.... Also a:

-- HoloReader: Read all your Notes & such in inventory without having to change each one.


-- Themes of the Wasteland: Classic TV, Movie, & Radio Themes 50s & earlier Themes Radio


-- A Perk Overhaul (Dont have a Name for it yetl... Overhauling Perks so each perk/ star simply does 1 thing. Either through holotape or Perk Chart (whatever is possible: Example: Sneak....:

SNEAK [1]: Star #1 20% harder to detect while sneaking; Star #2 30% harder to detect while sneaking; Star #3 40% harder to detect while sneaking; Star #4 50% harder to detect while sneaking.

SNEAK [2]: Star #1 no longer trigger floor-based traps; Star #2 no longer trigger enemy mines; Star #3 running no longer adversely affects stealth; Star #4 Engaging stealth causes distant enemies to lose you.

.....So for this you can chose to get better sneak without involving triggering traps + gives whole bunch more levels/ Perks. And of course also include can get Star #4 but don't have to have Stars 1-3.


-- Console Commander: Trying to create Mod options that Console Commands do. Possibly using guns, such as: Shrink Ray or Enlarger Gun just for example. Many mods tackle what Console Commands do... trying to simply do the stuff others might not have done.


-- Some changes: Lockable Loadouts for you and & companion. So take all and such does not effect these items.... Some better 'Store All' & 'Take All' features. Such as one button store all in your inventory into container or store all from certain group (weapons, apparel, and such).... And Same feature for a 'Take All' to include specific groups of items. Last One: Basic easier to Rename... For Example Rename/Name each Container & Also possibly have name get labled on object. So if you rename a Container... It has a new name Plus can see the name on the Container.


However Very Possible some of these already in a MOD and just too new to this stuff. Just a few ideas and simply seeing what others think. I have no idea how possible these would be to create. Curious really about people's opinions, suggestions, anything really! any help going forward would be appreciated!

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A lot of these ideas are really complex! I don't know how feasible they might be, but using the Time Travel one just to get all the energy weapons? Gotta be an easier way.


I also don't see how breaking down Perks to a finer granularity helps anything at all. It would just spread out the available Perks so that you'd have to be Level 200 to have as much benefit as you can now at, say, Level 50.


The Holotape Player with storage and auto-play seems like the best idea of all. I want one of those.

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A lot of these ideas are really complex! I don't know how feasible they might be, but using the Time Travel one just to get all the energy weapons? Gotta be an easier way.


I also don't see how breaking down Perks to a finer granularity helps anything at all. It would just spread out the available Perks so that you'd have to be Level 200 to have as much benefit as you can now at, say, Level 50.


The Holotape Player with storage and auto-play seems like the best idea of all. I want one of those.


Thanks really appreciate the feedback... yeah most will be a bit complex. & Possibly could have explained bit better.


Endings one is more geared towards the Immersion factor (hopefully it can maintain it). Really the weapons are a side aspect. It's more in the vein as those Alternate Death mods that explain how you return... This also allows a player to have a character complete all missions, recieve all items / also return to a time before the No Turning Back. Basically immersive focus for completing the game multiple times.


Perks (possibly with options you can style for yourself) is more geared towards a style of gameplay I'm trying achieve / probably release the mod once done. First so you Perks like Night Person... Want it without night vision... This would do it. And glad you brought up the higher level, partly reason looking into it. Once you get plenty hours in.... You kinda start wishing for more, this idea in its own way does it.


All part of a bigger idea with redoing fast travel:. In the Commonwealth vanilla there would be like only 4-5 fast travel sites (probably most designed in or near player homes). To force exploring. I've seen mods do one or the other (probably some do this, I'd have to find out): All enemies either are scaled up to your level or higher level then you. So no more running into low level enemies + chances increase of them being higher level. But yeah very complex stuff lol... Those are more ideas to slowly work on.


But yeah I've always also wanted a holoplayer & reader so working on them as my first mod as I learn



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Sorry, but I can't say that the time travel one is even slightly immersive. If you had a time machine, I would think the first thing you would do is go back and stop your wife from being killed and your son from being kidnapped.


When is time travel ever used intelligently? Recent example is sending someone back to get shot by their previous selves, when they could just as easily be sent to some remote desert island where they would surely starve to death or, better yet, 30 stories above that desert island. ;-)


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the museum idea is similar, I think... to operation anchorage from fallout 3's premise
I like it actually, but I'd suggest that some ideas involving new twists from the original games should be done, to allow further things
perhaps if someone made mods so that involvement in them twisted the actual situation currently

like, instead of *just* going through them, they started merging and falling apart from what they're supposed to be, into a new situation, could have a bunch of gen 1/2 synth stuff going on, hahaha and then they go haywire

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