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so here is the thing ... there is an empty pod in vault 111 ... so why don't we use it for a follower mod ... another pre-war human that you release in the start or after it that voice acted and be seen before being frozen ... wouldn't be great

of course it needs some serious modder and some heavy brains behind it but hopefully someone sees it great as I do. :cool:


p.s : prefer to be female follower. :happy:

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I came to the forum to suggest this exact thing, great minds. I think it would be super fun to find another person from Sanctuary who you knew before to travel with you. I was thinking maybe another veteran soldier who you served with, maybe with you as the lieutenant and him/her as the sergeant in your platoon or something. Get your trusty nco following you into the apocalypse.



Also, the title of the thread is the best, but you might want to change it if you can. To actually tell us what the topic is.


Just a tiny suggestion.

Edited by jksp
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