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Most needed mods


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So what do you think? In a list of 5, put in your most anticipated mod ideas. :)


1) Hunting / Hunger / Thirst / Sleep mod

2) Companion Riding / Companion sitting behind on same horse

3) Better companion AI

4) Mounted combat

5) Dragon Riding


The first 4 for me are pretty much essential now, bah, gotta wait till next year... :wallbash:

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1 ) Longer and better main quest line

2 ) Bug fix's

3 ) Longer and better Dark Brotherhood quest line

4 ) Better vamps

5 ) Bug fix's

6 ) Bigger more realistic citys

7 ) Make Dragons more "rare"

8 ) More magic spells

9 ) Bug fix's



See whats going on there ^ :dry:

Edited by twiz60
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1. Better Combat

+Make more lethal (change armor and damage values)

+Add parry (timing based/stamina usage)

+Stamina usage blocking

+Crouch plus shield prevents minimizes damage from dragon breath and cone spells

+Better destruction spells/combat


2. Economy

+Harder to make gold via selling junk/stuff taken from dead people [i.e. like Phitt's Cutthroat Merchants' mod http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=2762]

+More sensible loot (less random valuable stuff and more generic loot, while having something truly unique at the end of a dungeon)


3. Better/More Guilds

+Morrowind based requirements for progression

+Morrowind based choose one faction, another faction despises use

+Vampire clans, Nord Clans (like Morrowind Houses), Necromancer Society, Guardians of Stendarr, Naturals of Kynereth, Aldmeri Dommion, etc


4. Warlord Modification

+Be able to recruit a small army and take over towns via damaging the Jarl of that town into surrender

+Strategy (allocate followers/militia to certain towns or forts)


...but I have gone too far with this

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On my personal wish list:


1. A pose mod. Preferably something with a sitting pose 'cause I need to get a screenshot of my tribal Wood Elf girl sitting on a glacier, watching the Northern Lights with (maybe) Winterhold or Dawnstar in the distance.


2. A pair of scaled, possibly armored and essential Sabertooth Cat companions (for the tribal theme).


3. More Forsworn style gear. Was dying for tribal/feral type gear in Oblivion, and now that we have some in Skyrim, I WANT MORE.


4. More Blackreach type locations. Soooooo pretty <3


5. More Sheogorath. 'Cause....well, duh.


6. A proper mesh to go along with the nude textures. I'd personally like a Skyrim version of the Eyecandy mod (or at least the ability to pick and choose the body types).


7. More Falmer stuff. They're fun to stalk and murder.


8. More warpaint and tattoos. Failing that, ring items that show as tattoos.


9. Dragon Bone weapons.


10. "Imports" from other proveniences of native weapons and armors (Arabian type stuff from Elsweyr and Hammerfell for example).


11. More animal/monster bits. Dragon eyes, Falmer hearts, Troll teeth, ect. ect..


12. Trophies for your home. Loot so many dragon bones, turn them into the Thane or whoever sold you your house, get a mounted dragon skull in your living room.


13. Less anime/video game weapons and armor. Your Argonian in Sepheroth's clothing with Inuyasha's sword is bad and you should feel bad for having it. Especially in Skyrim.


14. More quality hair models. Or at least a revamp of the current ones so they don't look all mangy and stringy.


15. A touch-up of the Werewolf mesh. Take it away from the "Underworld" werewolves (Lycans) and nudge it more towards Bloodmoon.


16. Children of other races (elves and beasts and such) and the ability to have children with your spouse (for heterosexual couples) or to adopt (for homosexual couples)(There IS an orphanage after all). Toss in an aging factor (Child => Adult in X days) and you and your kid can go adventuring together.

Edited by SilusCrow
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I'd say...


Lets have a wider range of cultures represented in gear, IE weapons from a broader range of cultures. We've got Anglo-Saxon type gear aplenty, now lets add to that. Some southern European stuff, some Arabic stuff, some Japanese stuff, some Chinese stuff, some Russian stuff, some African stuff. Variety is the spice of life, and one thing I really enjoyed about Oblivion were those great "real weapons" packs that gave you weapons from all over the globe. And DualWielding Falx would be a lot of fun.


Animal races able to attack. When I'm in my Sabre Cat mode for long distance travel, I can't attack unless I revert to Nord mode, and that's sad because those Sabre Cats can tear you a new one in no time at all, and don't get me started on Dragon-mode.


Fix the horsecarts, I can never get mine to move. Mush damn you!


More hair and beard options would be nice, as would more warpaint.


Some Dragonbone weaponry.



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-A highres texture overhaul for all clothes. The current ones are awfully compressed.


-And of course "hardcore-mode" for eat/sleep/drink, so there's a bigger point with all the food and cooking abilities.

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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