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Wait time


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Hello again. I would like to suggest a mod that affects waiting. in the game, when you wait or sleep it goes in one hour increments. but sometimes i just need to wait a few minutes like Bellethors* (hope im spelling that correctly) shop in whiterun it opens at 8 o'clock or whatever and i just need to wait 10 minutes for it to open. and sometimes i just don't have much to do to pass those 10 minutes. so i was hoping someone could make a mod that changes the wait times from one hour to one minute increments.


hm, maybe make it so you can select if you would like to wait/sleep in minutes or hours 60 minutes for minutes selection and 12 or 24 hours for the hour selection. like, two little check boxes on the wait/sleep screen dial thing, underneath the scrollbar thing. yah know? O_o?

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10 game minutes is like 3 real time minutes.


I have a mod that changes the time scale of the game so that days are a bit longer but not long enough to effect quests and the like. so i would have to wait 5 or 6 minutes. its a tad long if I myself have nothing much to do to pass the time.

Edited by Swordsguy2010
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