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How do I change the texture file for a creature?

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I would like to add some custom retextured molerats to my mod, but for the life of me I cannot find the correct setting to look up the material>texture I created on a molerat.


does anyone know where/what/how/which item/setting needs to be used to change the material or .nif or whatever for the molerat creature models? I spent ages looking through different things and found absolutely zero.


Any help is mucho mucho mucho appreciated!

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1. With B.A.E. -- extract Data/Fallout4 - Materials.ba2 then navigate to Materials/Actors/Moelrat/molerat.bgsm and extract. Do the same for the mesh.

2. With Material Editor -- open the molerat.bgsm that you extracted and on tab "Material" change the file paths to your new texture locations. Then save as "YourNewMolerat".

3. In Nifskope -- open the mesh for the molerat. Select the BSSubindexTriShape that you want to change then select the BSLightingShaderProperty below that. In the Block Details below, right click on txt Name and enter your new material file location materials/yourfilelocation/yournewmolerat.bgsm. Save as "newmolerat".

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I appreciate the responses, both of you, many thanks - but it isn't what I need. I think I worded my original post poorly. My apologies.


I know how to make the textures, and I know how to assign them to the materials, and the .nif.


What I need to know is how to change the model of the creature (molerat) over to my new edited material/.nif/texture.


I have checked out many of the CK creature entries/listings, and there is nothing that appears to allow for the model to be swapped. Obviously I am just missing something.


How do I take an existing molerat and change its settings to display the model with my custom material + texture files please? I want to give it a unique form ID, so as not to overwrite anything vanilla.

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What I need to know is how to change the model of the creature (molerat) over to my new edited material/.nif/texture....

I covered that in step 3 above.


Hi DizzasterJuice - What I need to know is what comes next. What you listed I have done already, and now I am trying to get the CK to allow me to edit a vanilla molerat > change its Molerat model setting over to my new .nif, and give it a unique form ID.


This is what I cannot do.

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1. Open Actor > EncMolerat01Template then change the form ID, then click OK and it will ask you if you want to create a new actor.

2. Open ArmorAddon > MoleratHairBackAA, change the form ID, then under Biped Model select your new molerat nif, then OK.

3. Open Armor > SkinMoleratHairBack, change the form ID, then drag and drop the new armoraddon you just made to the Models window., then OK.

4. Re-open your new molerat actor, then on Traits tab select the new armor you just made in the Skin drop down menu. Then OK.

5. The easiest way to put it in game is to open the cell where you want it to appear and drag and drop it there.

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