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From the comments section on this video.

Right now I'm running a 64 bit core with an AMD Pentium GTR360 processor. The pipe is a 1.21 gigawatt, custom built. I've actually managed to clock 640x480 inches per second on this baby AND I hold all of the high scores on every major shogi client database, max settings. When I'm not destroying skank warriors in real time, I like to invite my friends over to share the keyboard so that we can create GUI interfaces in real time, using Visual Basic of course.


I loled so hard.


These shows fail at technical knowledge of computers, and video games and gamers. I want to beat my brains in every time I see this video.

Edited by Sebiale
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From the comments section on this video.

Right now I'm running a 64 bit core with an AMD Pentium GTR360 processor. The pipe is a 1.21 gigawatt, custom built. I've actually managed to clock 640x480 inches per second on this baby AND I hold all of the high scores on every major shogi client database, max settings. When I'm not destroying skank warriors in real time, I like to invite my friends over to share the keyboard so that we can create GUI interfaces in real time, using Visual Basic of course.


I loled so hard.


These shows fail at technical knowledge of computers, and video games and gamers. I want to beat my brains in every time I see this video.

That person has a bright future in


Best Buy

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I think we all know where the 1.21 gigawatts reference came from (don't play that game), but that last part of the comment (GUI interfaces, Visual Basic) was referring to this video on CSI about tracking the killers IP address (in real time, of course):

I also loved the top comment:

I'll clean out my toaster with a magnet, see if I can track Bigfoot on Jupiter.


In short, I think he/she read that Cracked article about Hollywood not getting technology, because both scenes you mentioned and the scene I mentioned were in that one (don't have a link, sorry). But as a Visual Basic programmer who has made these illusive "GUI Interfaces" for web browsers and such before, I find this insulting.

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im always fascinated by computers in tv-series and movies


my "favorite" effect is that little "bibibibibibi" sound they always make, especially when making impossible zooms (with the magically enhanced image resolution)


"and if we just zoom in a bit" *bibibibibibibi*


also, how everything is done through a keyboard


"what if you zoom back out?"

"okay, just a second" *rolls sleeves up* *types like a hero* *tap-tappatap-tap-tap-tappatappatap-tap-tap* <--what exactly is he writing? "dear. computer. do. me. a. favor. and. zoom. back. out."



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I think we all know where the 1.21 gigawatts reference came from (don't play that game), but that last part of the comment (GUI interfaces, Visual Basic) was referring to this video on CSI about tracking the killers IP address (in real time, of course):


I also loved the top comment:

I'll clean out my toaster with a magnet, see if I can track Bigfoot on Jupiter.


In short, I think he/she read that Cracked article about Hollywood not getting technology, because both scenes you mentioned and the scene I mentioned were in that one (don't have a link, sorry). But as a Visual Basic programmer who has made these illusive "GUI Interfaces" for web browsers and such before, I find this insulting.

I remember that Cracked article, it was funny reading it, even though I'd already seen all the videos, but the Cracked people made reading it funny too.

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im always fascinated by computers in tv-series and movies


my "favorite" effect is that little "bibibibibibi" sound they always make, especially when making impossible zooms (with the magically enhanced image resolution)


"and if we just zoom in a bit" *bibibibibibibi*


also, how everything is done through a keyboard


"what if you zoom back out?"

"okay, just a second" *rolls sleeves up* *types like a hero* *tap-tappatap-tap-tap-tappatappatap-tap-tap* <--what exactly is he writing? "dear. computer. do. me. a. favor. and. zoom. back. out."



And don't forget the fact the giant progress bar with huge numbers that will fetch you anything.

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I just thought this TV Tropes page was too related to miss: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ViewerFriendlyInterface


This one is hilariously true:

Superfluous animation and sound is required. When sending an e-mail, for example, it is useful to have an animation of the message folding itself into an envelope and flying off into the ether, accompanied by a synthesized woman's voice informing the user that the email is being sent. When searching through any database (such as a fingerprint database), it is useful to flash an image of each search failure just to let you know the program is working. (In real life, this would increase the search time by a factor of 10 or more).
Edited by necKros
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