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Vampire "Blood" Potion


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I dont know if it would be possible, but it would be really awsome if a potion could be crafted that would turn your vampirism stage to level one without having to find someone to feed on.


Also, does anyone know of how to set it to where if you are a final stage vampire no one hates you and attacks you on sight?

Edited by vaizard84
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I dont know if it would be possible, but it would be really awsome if a potion could be crafted that would turn your vampirism stage to level one without having to find someone to feed on.


Also, does anyone know of how to set it to where if you are a final stage vampire no one hates you and attacks you on sight?



I get what you're saying form a gameplay standpoint but from an immersion standpoint I'm totally against it. Being a vampire has it's perks but it has it's drawbacks as well. One of them is that consuming anything other than fresh blood is poisonous to them due to the effects of coagulation/hemostasis. Drinking the blood of the dead will infact KILL a vampire almost instantly. According to Anne Rice, the queen of the damned herself.


That said, too each his/her own and if immersion isn't that important to you then I say go for it.

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in the movie Daybreakers, the vampire populace found a way to keep the blood fresh so it was like pouring a glass of (blood) lemonade when you needed to feed. So maybe an ice mage patented a way to do that in Skyrim lol. I dunno. :)


not a fan of vampirism, but I get ur idea. That'd be a lil interesting to stock up blood rations.

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I dont know if it would be possible, but it would be really awsome if a potion could be crafted that would turn your vampirism stage to level one without having to find someone to feed on.Also, does anyone know of how to set it to where if you are a final stage vampire no one hates you and attacks you on sight?
I get what you're saying form a gameplay standpoint but from an immersion standpoint I'm totally against it. Being a vampire has it's perks but it has it's drawbacks as well. One of them is that consuming anything other than fresh blood is poisonous to them due to the effects of coagulation/hemostasis. Drinking the blood of the dead will infact KILL a vampire almost instantly. According to Anne Rice, the queen of the damned herself. That said, too each his/her own and if immersion isn't that important to you then I say go for it.


Well, the thing about vampires is that whilst most people get their idea of what a vampire is from Bram Stoker or Anne Rice, there are hundreds of other versions in the folklores and mythologies. Bram Stoker never mentions that a vampire may not feed from the dead, and in quite a lot of cultures the vampires would in fact seek out the newly dead and feed on them rather than hunting live prey. Though I personally am unaware of any examples of vampires stocking up on blood with the exceptions of neo-vampire fiction (Underworld for example), there are notes in several tales that would make it quite possible. Just like the vampire bats have anti-coagulants in their saliva, some said the vampires had likewise properties (sometimes refered to poison, which would be the same that could turn the dead into vampires in some stories). Now, what exactly Bethseda's vampire version is like is up to Bethseda, as long as they don't sparkle or fear silver I'm happy, but considering that there were bottles of blood in earlier games (Oblivion) which could be used to sate your vampirism, I don't see why there shouldn't be any in Skyrim.


But -if- there would be bottles we come to the next question; How to aquire them? Make them drop from all NPC's? Give another option when sneaking on the sleeping to fill a bottle? Make it an alchemy recepie that would require human flesh/hearts? (Could also add a third ingredient which would be the anti-coagulative in that case) Or that it would have to be bought from vendors?


There are several topics already requesting improvements to the vampiric gameplay, which is quite understandable considering how weak they are compared to werewolves and that their bonuses barely make it worth while with the heavy drawbacks.


I'm not sure how to add spoilers, but I'll just mention that there is a way to aquire a certain item which will allow you to feed on the dead, much like a werewolf. One could, if we are to respect Anne's version of the vampires, make an item with likewise properties but changed to suit a vampire, such as allowing them to feed on the recently deceased, with the blessing of... Sithis? Hircine? Whomever would fit in.

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The discussion is interesting... thoughts of immersion and theories of vampires are cool and I enjoy reading the responses. However, this is a mod request, and I would second the request. That is the beauty of mods that you can choose which ones you like and those you don't. I was just thinking how I would love to have a "blood" potion that works the same as feeding. So if someone could make this, it would be greatly appreciated.
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For those of you who say a 'blood potion' or any other means to feed as a vampire aside from biting a living creature, is immersion breaking - you guys need to broaden your horizons. Ive got nothing against Anne Rice but when it comes to vampires there is nothing more in-depth than White Wolf's World of Darkness. In the Vampire games they produced, clan Tremere for example, could create 'blood stones' that satisfy a vampires hunger and potions that could contain any type of "vitae"(even werewofl blood - very potent stuff indeed). I mean c'mon you have gems that can hold a soul, the very essence of life force captured thru magic but you cant have some sort of blood container? So no, blood poitons dont break immersion at all if you are being objective. Personally Im waiting on the CK since Skyrim vamps are weaklings and need some modifications to provide fun gameplay..




Edited by EmilM
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