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Trying To Sort Mods Activation for Some Mods


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Hello, I am trying to sort out which files to activate on which mod. I am using NMM to install my mods. Though, some mods say that other mods have used the same file and ask me if I should activate the new mod file(s) or leave the file as is. Here is a list of the mods that cause this activation behavior:


BodySlide and Outfit Studio vs CBBE

Bijin Warmaidens vs. NPC Overhaul

HDT Physics Extensions vs. HDT Breast And Butt Physics

JUGs vs. SlaveTats

NetImmerse vs. Racemenu

XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended vs. Realistic Ragdolls and Force

CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly vs. Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide vs. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended vs. Realistic Ragdolls and Force vs. CBBE

OSA vs. SexLabFramework

XCE vs. Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide vs. CBBE


Can someone tell me the order of which I enforce the mod activation? If there is any guide I can read. That would be nice, too.




P.S. I know about LOOT and the load order of plugins. That is not the issue that I have. From my understanding some mods modify the same files and I have to choose the best of them.

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BodySlide and Outfit Studio vs CBBE <--- doesn't matter. (let cbbe overwrite just to be sure)


Bijin Warmaidens vs. NPC Overhaul <-----first NPC Overhaul then Bijin Warmaidens


HDT Physics Extensions vs. HDT Breast And Butt Physics <-----first HDT Physics Extensions then HDT Breast And Butt Physics


NetImmerse vs. Racemenu <----Racemenu already contains NetImmerse


XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended vs. Realistic Ragdolls and Force <----first Realistic Ragdolls and Force then XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended


OSA vs. SexLabFramework <----not sure but i think you should let SexLabFramework overwrite


XCE vs. Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide vs. CBBE <----- first XCE then CBBE then Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide


CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly vs. Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide vs. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended vs. Realistic Ragdolls and Force vs. CBBE <----first CBBE then Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide then CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly then Realistic Ragdolls and Force then XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended


JUGs vs. SlaveTats <----first SlaveTats then JUGs

Edited by Project579
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"BodySlide and Outfit Studio vs CBBE"

There is no 'vs'. BodySlide requires CBBE. It doesn't matter which order you install them.

"CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly vs. Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide vs. XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended vs. Realistic Ragdolls and Force vs. CBBE:"

CHS = Never. Do not install it. It is not compatible with anything CBBE-related. XPMSE will also overwrite its skeleton. If you're after body physics, use HDT and only HDT. Project is also incorrect; if you install CHS after any body mod, not just CBBE, it will completely overwrite them, so you might as well not bother installing them. It doesn't matter when you install Remodeled 'Armour', as long as it's installed before you use BodySlide.

XCE = not compatible with CBBE. Even the face textures are extremely grey/dirty compared to the CBBE body textures and will look bad with them.

I have nothing to say about the other mods as I have never used them.

This is the correct order:

1. CBBE/BodySlide. Doesn't matter because there are no conflicts.

2. Realistic Ragdolls.


4. HDT PE.

5. HDT B&BP.

6. Remodeled 'Armour'.

7. Use BodySlide to make HDT-compatible body/outfit meshes.

The rest, follow what Project said.

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Thanks for the information, Jeir. I was making a list of install order for my mods and I came up with this:


BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Calinetes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide
CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
HDT Physics Extensions
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4)
The TBBP Animation of Dragonfly
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives


I overwrote as I went with installations. I added an extra mod to the listing which is The TBBP Animation of Dragonfly. I have just read your comment after installing everything. Are CHSBHC and XCE useless? Are there any alternatives? Are there any importance to those two mods?

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CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly is useless

I have no idea what XCE is

or Slave Tats


your missing

  1. Sexlab
  2. Racemenu
  3. FNIS

& Skeletons are Last Always unless it Realistic Ragdolls and Force which is First Always so it can be Overwritten by CBBE & Other Mods


HDT Physics Extensions
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4)

Realistic Ragdolls and Force

BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Calinetes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide
The TBBP Animation of Dragonfly
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives

Racemenu (or ECE)


XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended


& Good Luck with your Modding Future


PS read the Mod Pages entirely for required info

Edited by PeterMartyr
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As I said, CHS overwrites CBBE meshes/textures, so you might as well not bother installing CBBE and BodySlide. Also, nothing made for CBBE will work with it, so you can't used the skimpy outfit mod you want with it. CHS is also a BBP mesh, so it may not work with HDT and such. I don't use such mods, so can only guess.


XCE was made for the vanilla body. You can only use the face textures from it if you want to use it with body mods. But, its textures are very grey/dirty/old, and will look bad with most body mod textures. If you use CBBE, you can use TexBlendLite to fix the neckseam, but you'll still have the grey/dirty/old faces. There are plenty of other face textures around; most people go for full body/face texture mods (such as CBBE and its FacePack, or SG Textures, or Fair Skin) to avoid neckseams.


The 'Dragonfly' animations (never used, so can only go by hearsay and vague recollections of a vid I've seen) are up to you. Many people dislike the twirling animation it has, and I believe it may be the one that has the rather daft-looking running animation (makes it look like the character dislocated her shoulders). TBBP is also a downgrade from HDT, and I imagine it will conflict with it.


Your choices are either:

XCE (Face only)
CHSBHC - BBP - Nude and Jiggly

Realistic Ragdolls and Force (?)
HDT Physics Extensions (?)
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4) (?)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives
SlaveTats (? Depends what body it's made for. If CBBE/UNP/etc., it's not compatible with CHS)
JUGs (? As above.)



XCE (face only, not necessary if you plan on installing the CBBE FacePack, or a full body/face retexture mod)

BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Caliente's Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-

<Any body retexture on the CBBE mod list>
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide

<Any outfit mod on the CBBE mod list>
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
HDT Physics Extensions
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives
SlaveTats (? See above comments. If it's not made for CBBE, it wont work.)

JUGs (? As above.)

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Thanks for the information, PeterMartyr.


Jeir, thanks a lot for the detailed information. Very helpful. I decided to follow your advice, fully. Though, I had to remove Skyrim and mods and add them all over again because I did not want anything to conflict at all. Here is my final list:


Calinetes Beautiful Bodies Edition -CBBE-
BodySlide and Outfit Studio
Remodeled Armor for CBBE Bodyslide
Realistic Ragdolls and Force
HDT Physics Extensions
HDT Breast And Butt Physics (=Standard - With collision-54044-v1-4)
XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended
NPC Overhaul
Bijin Warmaidens
Bijin Wives


I have installed the mods in the above order. I have also selected the CBBE faceback. No problems so far with the exception of two things. I have something like a tearing ripple effect on NPC body. It is like some waves going through the body then repeating. Is this fixable? Also, I created a new preset in BodySlide 2 with Outfit/Body: CBBE Body HDT and put most of the sliders to the max then I did Build then Batch Build and selected CBBE Body HDT on the output set. Some the NPCs show my changes ingame while others do not. I mean there is one NPC working perfectly. Another that has my body modifications but not the outfit (outfit is small). Then, there is the last one that has the outfit modifications but not the body. I know the second issue is an error on my part because of my lack of knowledge. I am trying to find a solution to fix this by reading a lot of articles. Keep in mind that I made both Low Weight and High Weight in the preset exactly the same.

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I have no idea about the 'rippling'. It might have something to do with HDT; I wouldn't know, as I don't use any physics mods.


For BodySlide, follow the walkthrough in the stickies on the BodySlide mod page.

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I have no idea about the 'rippling'. It might have something to do with HDT; I wouldn't know, as I don't use any physics mods.


For BodySlide, follow the walkthrough in the stickies on the BodySlide mod page.

Thank you, jeir. Though, none of the tutorials help me regarding either of the issues. I have clicked Build and Batch Build like I said. I even made sure the femalebody files are there and checked the modified date too. What I cannot figure out is why the changes work for one NPC and does not work for another. I will create a new topic in the mod troubleshooting section regarding both issues when I totally give up. Thanks again.

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