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True Anthropomorphic Race Mods Ideas


Anthro Beast Race Mods  

458 members have voted

  1. 1. This is The New Poll of Anthro Beast (Remember To Remove your Votes from the Last One and Vote on this poll plese)

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Pyrothraxus MoonStar, on 26 Jan 2012 - 23:23, said:

Have you more Non-lore race ideas?



Or more ideas on The Sergal and More Lupine Races?

what skill's do the sergals have?

because im really into the idea of sergals :biggrin:

and maybe add a story line of a nemesis race to them

like a war between them


maybe a armor like this for the race if someone succesfully made the race into skyrim

Edited by Dragonfire1708
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i may also like a race like these


Edited by Dragonfire1708
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Voted for Avians,dog races are overused in my opinion :( BIRD FTW!

um. . . Pardon me? >tilts head left< If there are so many wolf beast races in good games out there, that why can I not find them? The only canine races I have found are in WolfTeam(FPS, I am a WOLF, it stands to reason I am not a fan of guns), Rogue Galaxy(Deego the Qrann. Slow, a tank character, not good for wolf, but works for bulldog), and the poor popori in tera, which personally do not count for skyrim. >ears droop< A rolly-polly being like the popori would have massive trouble with stairs; imagine one little icy slip on the way up the steps to or even Dragonsreach, much less High Hrothgar, and the poor little fellow wouldn't stop rolling 'till he reached the bottom.


>head straight ears up< If you could point me to a game/mmo that is hack&slash, not turn based, not Warcraftesque point-and-press-the-number-row, got decent reviews, and has a decent wolf beast race, I would be grateful.


>ears perk< by the way, have been looking for something much like this for a very long time;


hoping the picture works.

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i may also like a race like these




Dat hyena man.


My vote went for the avian, but I would LOVE to see wolf/dog- based race as well. Or maybe even hyena.

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I'm working on something like this. Not sure if you'll all like it but here.

Now this is looking really promising for an anthro race!

And by the looks of it it is putting my humble attempts in Oblivion to shame.

Though you have to rig and animate the wings, if it wasn't already done. Working with custom skeletons and animations is the biggest fun of it all, and in Oblivion a real pain, if I may say so.


Sadly I got absolutely no time to do any modding, or anything else but work at all. And I'm especially not going to mod Skyrim anytime soon, or even play the game. Else I'd totally be helping out there.

But this is certainly a project worth watching. I knew it was a good idea to keep this topic here on watch.

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Well, I started the mod in November last year, worked on it for a week, and stopped. I don't know why but I decided to give it another look. I'm making some tweaks to the model. But I don't know how far I can get without a skilled texture artist to complete it. I only have so much time on my hands. Which is really sad, considering its essentially fully functional and a blast to play.

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How come there is no primates in the poll? theres so many too choose from such as Lemurs, Baboons, Chimps, Gorillas, Orangutans, Gibbons, Tarsiers, and a huge variety of monkeys to choose from. Also, what about a race of Anteaters asell.

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