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Scutum - A proper legionaire's shield


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When I joined the Imperial Legion and got my Imperial Shield I was rather dissapointed. Not only with that it screamed 'retexture me, I look awful!', but I was hoping that with the Roman look being returned (Morrowind) to the Imperial Legion, the shields would be made to fit. Apparently Bethseda found it more important that the Imperial insignia would be spammed all over than that the soldiers would be given proper shields.


So, what I'd like is for someone to make a proper Scutum (The large, rectangular shields used by the Roman Legion), preferably a red one with iron borders and the Imperial insignia at the buckle.


... And I don't usualy bribe people, but if you make a good work, I'll give you a virtual hug. *noddle*

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There have been several of these floating around the modding world for many games now. If they don't make their way into Skyrim when I am close to wrapping up the initial release of Bob's, I'll go ahead and make some and include them.
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