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Lighting glitch in the Ragged Flagon


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So in the ragged flagon, a bunch of lights are flicking in and out whenever I move my camera. See the screenshots linked below.


I have several mods that affect it, but I'm unsure if this is something that was an issue in the vanilla version or not.


The mods that affect that cell are:


Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch

Thieves Guild Hideout Redone

Skyrim Coin Replacer Redux

Amulets of Skyrim

Thieves Guild Hideout Redone Void Patch (patch for TGHR and USLEEP made by me)

Sneak Tools


Alternate Start Live Another Life


None of these seem to be touching any of the lights. I though it might be Sneak Tools, but disabling it did not stop the behavior, and this does not seem to be happening anywhere else.




(Warning for a Butt)


Here you can see the light in the blacksmith's alcove turn on and off when I move the camera





And the same thing happens here with the illuminated ceiling of the Flagon




Edited by Nephenee13
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Do you have lighting mods?


Do you have an ENB (or SweetFX/Reshade)?


Lighting mods no


ENB, yes. But as I said this only happens in the Flagon. It might be Thieves Guild Hideout Redone (testing without that takes effort I haven't gotten around to getting to yet). I'll report back when I have had that chance.

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well installing a mod like ELE or ELFX will probably fix it because they would overwrite the lighting on the cell (if positioned in the right place on the load order: under Thieves Guild Hideout Redone).

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TES5Edit...... I honesty can't believe no one suggested this???


There could be a Wild Edit made by some Mod in the Cell moving a Light Source then making it over lap with another Light Source glitching it.......


NB a Wild Edit is a accidental original record that can only be Manually Repaired. just sayin'

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