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Recent Negative Trends


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I've noticed a fairly ugly trend lately on the Nexus, most specifically on the Skyrim Nexus.


Commenters, usually with no thought, no research, no checking, no care whatsoever...

are harassing some of our best contributors with comments on their mod threads which

then get repped up by other people who enjoy the same past-time. These comment are

invariably non-constructive or mean-spirited. In many cases a simple reading of the mod

description or the readme for the mod would have solved their problem. In a lot of cases

other, more experienced users, have pointed them in the right direction. But none of it helps.

They continue to harass the mod author over the same issues.


Now, at this point, this post would seem to be a whine but that's not my intention. The point

is that I've seen this before, in other forums, in other places... especially when there's an

influx of new people to a site. Call it the 4chan, the PN, the for the lulz crowd, whatever... it's

an attack by people who enjoy being trolls. My hope is that we can ride it out til they get bored

and move on to the next buzzword of the day.


The problem that I'm seeing is that it's having an effect on some of our best contributors, most

recently Xenius who has closed the comment thread to the XCE compilation. The comments

there centered around the eyes being too bright when the darker, less saturated version was

not only available for download but linked from the compilation's description and pointed to

by many other commentors... but no, the comments came, one after another, harping on the

same topic.


I would normally ask that this sort of behavior be moderated but I think our moderators are

already swamped just nabbing the truly vile. So please, help keep these contributors around.

Support them in their threads, rep down the nimrods, patiently answer their pointless questions.



PS If this topic is too contentious or could spark a flame war, please remove it. I don't want to join what I'm fighting...

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Yeah, the internet is full of counterparts to the real life "annoying kid in the room who just tries to make others angry". Unfortunately it is harder to discourage that immature, anti-social behavior online, being anonymous.


n real life discussion, some of the trolls would even be 'normal' people, and be appropriately embarrassed with themselves when they saw others' emotional reaction to their immaturity (online people are real too, you just don't have that emotional aspect to guide the socially defunct).


I encourage any behavior to punish these people for their purposeful anti-social behavior. It is usually not difficult to pick out when one such person is crossing the line.

Edited by Levgre
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Harassing modders in the comments section is zero tolerance offence on the nexus. If they get reported, buddha gets a hold of them, and that is it for them.


But your one example about someone thinking they are too bright is just an opinion and, unless they were rude about it, like this sucks/you suck, I doubt it is really an offence. You have to deal with that sort of thing.


saying that, since when is this a new thing? :biggrin: We have threads in the private forums where we vent or laugh about stupid user comments, it's not in anyway a new thing, every modder gets stupid comments from people who don't seem to ever read... a never ending supply of them...

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Harassing modders in the comments section is zero tolerance offence on the nexus. If they get reported, buddha gets a hold of them, and that is it for them.


But your one example about someone thinking they are too bright is just an opinion and, unless they were rude about it, like this sucks/you suck, I doubt it is really an offence. You have to deal with that sort of thing.


saying that, since when is this a new thing? :biggrin: We have threads in the private forums where we vent or laugh about stupid user comments, it's not in anyway a new thing, every modder gets stupid comments from people who don't seem to ever read... a never ending supply of them...


Yes. I'm a member of the private forums... and yes the comments were of the "you suck" variety and just kept coming and coming.

This isn't the same level that's been going on before. You misread my point entirely, the point isn't that they were expressing

an opinion, it was that they kept expressing it despite their opinion having been addressed and linked to and pointed out to them.

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About them being rude...even so... what else is new.


the stream of users who don't read is nothing new. When Ob was first released it was just as bad imo. Many modders imploded and left modding altogether, apparently just from negative users comments. I stopped even giving any advice in the comment sections, as modders often get so wound up by those user comments, they will take it out on anyone who isn't saying they are super awesome. I can be blunt with any critique so I try to make myself avoidable... just don't ask for critique on the mod forums if you really don't want any :biggrin:

Edited by Ghogiel
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