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Fus Ro Dah is not murder...


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Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Skyrim teaches us some very important lessons about crime and punishment:

  • If you throw someone off a cliff, it is never murder. The floor killed them. Examples include shouting someone down a waterfall for the dark brotherhood to only get 40 bounty for an assault, killing a stormcloack courier with Fus-Ro-Dah since killing him with a weapon or spell increased the murder counter, etc. Once I even shouted someone sitting on a runway on top of a cliff down (his fault for tempting me) and did not even get 40 bounty for an assault.
  • If the dragon you call during a battle kills a few people on both sides, thats ok. Well it could be justified if you would have lost otherwise, but you should at least be put on trial (where they would find out you are strong enough to win this war all alone and called the dragon just for fun).
  • Some people count as killed by you even if it obviously was someone else. At least if you are close by. Happened to me during the civil war, no matter what I did my murder count went from zero to one when one specific unnamed Stormcloak was killed by the Imperials. The solution: I walked away from the battle, when I came back almost all of my allies had died. If me and my daedric sword had been there, that would not have happened, but I can't go around murdering people on my "good character" now, can I?
  • All human lives are equal and worth excactly 1000 septims. Well, almost all, at least there is no nepotism involved singe publicly killing the emperors cousin in public is also just 1000 septims. Also, horse-thieves and people who open gates for fugitives will be executed without mercy.

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you serious? I mean if this is meant to be fun or sarcasm then either my Radar is off or thats a new type I dont get.


If however you are actually serious about this then let me give you some real life "teachings" you really should be worried of.


- Bankers are teaching us that it is okay to ruin the financial Sector because in the end you will get Millions Bonuses


- Bush teaches us, that it is okay to Torture people if your Country is in Danger of a "massive Scale bearded Man invasion"


- Sarah Palin teaches us, that you dont need School or Education if you wanna run for Vice President.


- Media teaches us that its okay to lie as long as you do it "professionally".


and a lot more.


And you are worried about what some imaginary Power in an obviously Fantasy oriented game might teach you?


What makes you think Skyrim is a Documentation about Crime and Punishment wanting to be taken seriously?


P.S. Of course if this is really just meant as a joke than....well i dont get it!


wait, I think now I get it. Thats a criticism of ingame mechanics.


Yep I am with you. This is generally a Problem with the game engine. Many things you do just dont have the effect logic would expect.

Edited by Arcadiast
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Well if you FUS ROH DAH them off a cliff and no one sees them hit the bottom, then they don't know you killed if you killed that person. Sure they could find the body at a later point, but who's to say that it was your shout that killed him? Maybe he just tried climbing back up the cliff, slipped and fell. :whistling:


Skyrim needs a harsher criminal system. I remember when Ordinators would kill you just 'cause of the armour you happened to be wearing....

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This reminds me of the death-by-shooting-barrel thing from FO3. I am pretty sure Grelod the Kind is exempt from your fourth point though.


Also why is FUS RO DAH so much more fatal than Krii Lun Aus (Marked for Death) anyway?

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Just to clarify, yes this is just criticism of the games mechanics.

Also shortly after writing this Ohdaviing took an imperial arrow to the knee (probably) and not only attacked both sides, after the fort was cleared of Stormcloaks he went on to fight - and kill - lots of Imperials while I heroically... grabbed me some snacks and enjoyed the show.

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I actually thought it was pretty funny. Now, thank you Arcadiast for your pointless political rant.


I know, I know but I am a little "jumpy" lately. I thought this was a Post from one of these "politically correct" types that was criticising the game for being a bad influence to young people!


I was wrong, I corrected myself but forgot to say Sorry....so I say it now...I am Sorry!

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I will never get how 1,000septims is the penalty for murder. Which means that a rich person can commit crimes against humanity and easily pay his way out of punishment. A necromancer can just pay for corpses like food in Skyrim.


No joke: This is realistic when it comes to medieval times. You could buy yourself out of a murder charge according to certain codes of law. Of course there were differences. A noble did cost a lot more than a slave.

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And one more thing: be careful of telekinesis! That's highly dangerous spell. I was levitating wolf pelt in the marketplace in Whiterun, and when my magicka bar went empty, the pelt just blew in some random direction and injured Ysolda. She started to scream and run around, a couple of guards headed in my direction, and the wolf pelt was all bloodied :D :D :D
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