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Unable to login on the nexus (manager)


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Hello everyone,


Im making this post to ask a certain question which yet I havent found an answer for.

How can I login to the nexus mod manager (not the site but the manager)?


Im able to login into the site as you can see by my post, but the mod manager itself is unable to reach the server.

The error explains: Cannot reach the Nexus login server. Either your firewall is blocking NMM or the login server is down.

Now I did try to see if my firewall was blocking my NMM program but that was not the case.

I also looked into the properties of the NMM program to make sure I have full rights.


If someone could help me with this problem I would really appreciate it.

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I've read there was a short period the Nexus servers were off-line. Maybe that's what caused it? I just did an update of missing mod I.D. and NMM logged in to the Nexus just fine...

Edited by JimmyRJump
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Actualy, Im clicking the nexus update Icon and it says could not get verison information of the update server.

Im pretty sure its not the servers though in this instance.

Ive tried it a few days ago and then it didn't work aswell.

I came back today to the issue because I moved to my dad for a few days.

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