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HELP, I killed NMM


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I simply accidentally scrolled a file over the NMM Desktop Shortcut, and since cannot add any mods manually, and who knows what else is wrong with it.


"Scrolled"? I must be dumb. I don't understand that.


Anyway, if all that is bollixed is your NMM shortcut, you simply need to make a new one. Open your Windows Explorer and navigate to (drive:)/Program Files/Nexus Mod Manager and find NexusClient.exe. Right click on the file and choose "Create Shortcut". You should get an option to put it on your desktop. Do so. Make sure the shortcut has Administrator Privilege if your OS settings require it. (Admin settings can sometimes prevent NMM from running. Also various A/Vs sometimes get their shorts in a knot over NMM occasionally.)


Now if you meant that you dropped a file INTO NMM's directory and it somehow overwrote file(s), well, I just don't understand how that could happen. Anyway, if that (or something like that) happened, then re-installing NMM might be your best option.

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