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Skyrim is playing fine for me, only thing I noticed while playing the updated game is a slight increase in my video card temps -only a few degrees but my rig is water cooled so it is well under control.


by the way guys are you sure you have V-sync turned off? it has been known to cause input lagginess and erratic FPS.

Edited by shadow_scale9180
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I ran the game without the modders 4gb TESV.exe file and than used the 4gb TESV.exe file and I noticed a slight increase in my FPS. So, needless to say, I would use the .exe file that is on this site to start up and run the game. Works wonders. I have an increase in my FPS overall from the last patch...


4GB Skyrim


The link is right above this. Hope this helps.

Edited by Eirosin
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Beware of the 1.3 patch it kills your FPS and even breaks your game, let me clear things up so you understand


My father updated his game, loads fine...went into his saved game went from a constant 55-61 FPS straight down to 10 and even dips lower and sometimes slightly higher around the 15-18 fps mark

He is really pissed because his rig can obviously run it great and everything is overclocked like crazy on what he has lol


Now for myself, i launch Skyrim, goes to the main menu screen, nothing just blank with the Dragon symbol, no menu options so i literally CANNOT play


also i should note Serious Sam 3 updated and for both of us our FPS dropped like crazy and is not playable because of how crappy the fps dropped...and for those of you who have played a Serious Sam game know fps sucks on that with the hordes of enemies, even worse on mental difficulty >.<


So anyways BEWARE OF THE PATCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!


This patch (1.3) actually made my game more playable, I also read two articles at GeForce's website on optimizing your PC for games and optimizing for Skyrim... Huge help !!! My FPS went from 20 to 40 on my old AMD dual-core 2.6 MHz rig with a new GTX 560 card on high settings, and nothing is overclocked. I also saved my "save game" files, deleted the game and reinstalled it (before 1.3 was released), I also have some MODs active too. May I suggest you re-optimize your systems and try again, it just seems it cannot ALL be the games fault... Just a suggestion...


Here's a link to the optimization guide;


Edited by combatdoc13
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Last weekend, after playing 4hrs (that was ok, 4hrs is engough time killed) I had a crash, that was with 1.2, but otherwise I didn´t experience anything strange besides the bookshelves. Game runs great for me all maxed out. Yesterday I was able to spent my whole days sparetime of 1 hour in Skyrim yesterday with the new patch - still runs great. Edited by PalleAssgaard
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I have a dual core, but with the current post about it dropping FPS I feel like :psyduck: I will backup my stuff and update it we shall see if it helps or breaks.




Well I use 1.1, I just have a lot of HQ texture mods. The game will crash on me without using the 4gb mod. So, my first test was FPS on the normal .exe not a single difference in FPS in 1.1 vs 1.3 both crashed the game. I then took my skyrim launcher and tesv.exe from 1.1 that I backed up and overwrote the new ones. I then ran it again and noticed about a 1-6fps gain, and it still crashed. I then ran this same setup with the 4gb and I noticed about a 1-10fps gain, didn't crash either. The 4gb would not run with the 1.3 tesv.exe and launcher. Not sure what if any help this info provides but there ya go :unsure:



I used the 4gb with just 1.1 and now with the 1.3 files after getting the .exe back to the 1.1 version, there is a slight gain in FPS. Also with the 1.3 stuff the looking around doesn't seem as choppy. As for the other issues not sure yet.

Edited by Busted11290
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