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PreCK Modding is HERE


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I'll bite. I enjoy a good mystery... I put down Skyrim two weeks ago so I wouldn't get sick of it.... but this has sparked my interest.... Plus I like SluckyD's style.


EDIT: Interesting, I look forward to your future mods.

No viruses btw and it's completely legit.

Edited by OnlyOneWing
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OK.. so I intentionally went overboard on what some have considered 'marketing.' They're correct on BOTH counts... it IS a form of marketing (as well as the more-intended function of illustrating custom statics... if you walk right up on them, they have enough resolution it'd look like you're playing Obliv!!), because I DO have mods I'm going to release as soon as possible (already modded in Obliv, though not released pending Skyrim.. why WOULD I?); and it IS overboard.. but I felt (perhaps mistakenly) that the event called for great (?) fan-fare and being greeted by cheering throngs (or was that thongs...). I had no delusions there wouldn't be detractors, non-believers, or people who just don't understand what it takes to create a mod... all they want is "ME ME ME, NOW NOW NOW!! DO IT HOW I WANT!!! NOW NOW NOW!!" .. and I say.. <SLAP SLAP> (to put it mildly). Now if the chil'uns done gone to sleep... the grow'd folks could conversate without INTERRUPTION.


Can you blame me for taking this opportunity?? What I've been waiting to port into Skyrim is GOOD (insert however many flattering descriptives one could imagine).


I've been looking at "0 new lands, 0 new homes, 0 new whatever" for WEEKS now.... you's guys better post somethin' original yourselves or shut the *$ up! (oh.. and if you DO post something.. make sure it doesn't use the procedure I'm about to post.


DAMN I wish I new more languages people didn't speak.... *&$% #@$*%* @$*$ @#*%*@#%* @#%*#@* (to put it mildly)

The most I could do at this point is to simply state: "Wait, and you shall see. Wait not, and you'll be left behind." -SLuckyD (about 2 seconds ago)


APOLOGIES: to those who were expecting a frozen tundra (I assumed everyone would be SICK of that by now) or the Santa Claus (proper)... it was all a metaphor. sorry for UNINTENTIONAL mal-portrayal! Although here is the documentation of restricted permission: if someone wants to add Santa Claus to the BULLSEYE mod... I CHALLENGE you to do so (and give permission to alter my mod for that EXPRESS purpose)... though if you COULD, I assume you'd be making your OWN mod, sans santa)


ps... I have the propensity to make up my own words (such as 'auto-dyslactic' or 'fatassious,' the meanings of which would most likely be included in my next mods! (HA - you saw that coming didn't you?). I also actively engage in the wielding of, what I like to call, 'Modern American, Dialectic Vernacular' (which basically exonerates me from any grammatical corrections you may have to solicit; so as they said when I was a kid... "STUFF IT, YOU JIVE TURKEY!").


Thank you :nuke: Drive through!

Edited by SLuckyD
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Guest MajinCry
I'm very confuzzled by his words, but I really would like to give me ol' terrain maker a firing up. Want to see how it fares in skyrim :P
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