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Has anyone found a creative way to persist a list of Integers?


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Ok, so arrays do not persist beyond the current session. Short of FISS or other file writing plugins, has anyone found a reasonable method to track a listing of integers (or floats or strings) beyond a save game?


As a last resort, I can use a container to track what I want, sort of. However, I am trying to avoid instantiating objects even in a container if I can avoid it.


Any guidance is appreciated, even if it is just "sorry, you're stuck with it"





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Obviously arrays won't carry over from one character's session to another character's session. But they can carry over between sessions for a single character. I have some arrays on an MCM script that are used to indicate if an option is turned on or off (0 = off, 1 = on). After setting up the options, saving, fully exiting to desktop and reloading, the options are exactly how they were set up.


I don't have code that passes any associated global variable values into the array. All I have are the arrays defined as hidden properties.


I'm not sure what is making them persistent. It is either having them listed as properties or the simple fact that MCM scripts are "active" all the time despite not actually running all the time. I'm leaning more towards the active status of the MCM script because I have some non-property string arrays which contain displayed text in the MCM and those carry across saves as well.

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Ah, I wasn't aware of the distinction between Characters. So, it may be possible to have an Int array defined as a property which will then allow it to be included in the save games for that character. I think I misunderstood what the use for FISS was then. That is to allow settings to carry between characters or specific playthroughs. I appreciate the clarification. What I want to do just became much much easier.

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This can be done and I've done it in a new mod I've been working on ... RGD (Random Generated Dungeon)

It's able to do what you asked and a whole lot more. What you need to do is simply save from the script.

It's a bit more complicated then that but it works well. I will be releasing the scripts with my mod.

(if I ever finish the player home part)


Here is a hint: you need to use skse and a actorvalue called BrainCondition

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