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[WIP] Rigmor of Cyrodiil


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We’re nearly there. After just over two years in the making, thousands of lines, 12 (huge) pages (chapters) of story script, 3 new worlds, countless interiors, hours in Blender3D and the creation kit, Act III is done and the end is in sight. I still have a little way to go, there is one more interior I need to do then we are at the finale endgame, and boy oh boy, what a finish. (I will go into hiding for a short time and hire security) but my beautiful, wonderful and patient Rigsters...I can say that (hopefully at the rate I am going) you will have your sequel by the end of November (at the latest)


Rigmor looks down on the Brena Estuary, Hammerfell

I will be publishing a few video’s as we begin to close on the day of release, these will include a little bit of story about “what the hell is going on?” in Rigmor’s Cyrodiil in the year 4E205. Also some video’s (at least one lol) showing Rigmor’s new follower features and how to use them in the quest, I think it’s quite intuitive so instead of a bunch of options as soon as you click on her, there’s just either going to be a quest option, or a Rigmor option which “then” opens the rest of the options. That way, knowing Rigmor being a follower might get in the way of the quest, we can choose to “get back on track” which closes up the follower features and kicks right back into the quest. You’ll see, it’s been working quite well. Check out the latest video below.


Looking West towards inner Hammerfell and High Rock (not rendered)

Also there’s just so much, if you played Rigmor of Bruma, you’ll know the quest always steps up as it progresses, just when you think you can’t top that, it gets topped. The same is with the sequel, but this is where “I cut my teeth” as a writer. Rigmor of Cyrodiil is by far the best thing I have ever written to date. As a 3D artist, it has been a labor of love and drew every part of my artistic being into creating this behemoth (because that’s what it is) it’s a one man army (that’s me lol) artistic creation and more.


But don’t make the mistake that this has anything to do with mainstream Skyrim game play. If you’re a Rigmor fan, you know it’s about the story, not the content. This is no CoD Hack and Slash. It’s an intimate journey of discovery (and love) and a final destination for Rigmor, it’s her story and you are her follower, her Guardian Protector (or more if you like) and the adventure will take you from Skyrim to Cyrodiil, other sekrit locations to the high seas and over the mountains into Hammerfell (partly rendered) so don’t think you’re going to be running around killing skeevers and wolves and bandits, fetching and carrying. This is a quest story adventure and at times you will be required to “hold your sword” sometimes to save those you love, you must do nothing but endure and control your emotions.


Camp Quintus on the Hammerfell border

It has been an absolute pleasure for me to work alongside some great voice actors, the list this time round is huge. There are many new characters that will probably end up in quest adventures of their own, I have so many ideas, and once this sequel is released, we can all discuss them, but I’ll keep them under my hat for now. Please don’t ask if there’s going to be another Rigmor quest after this one, because I simply cannot answer that, but I wanted to mention Maggie...who has literally recorded thousands of lines for RoC. Her continued support has been the inspiration to fight on in what seemed overwhelming odds creating most of this all on my own, it truly has been as Gary (smartbluecat) and George (ZeroPeriod) stated “A Herculean effort.” So thank you all, guys and gals for your support along the way.


Looking down from Nagasel to Camp Quintus

Also, in Rigmor’s Cyrodiil we have a new score by the amazing composer Arne Goyvaerts also known as EvilBlueKoala on the Nexus. Arne has kindly allowed me to incorporate his score in the quest. Check out some of his work by clicking the link below. His work is already a mod on the Nexus, but I really wanted this in RoC so thank you Arne.

I just want to touch on the never ending questions about how Rigmor of Cyrodiil relates or will be compatible with, Beyond Skyrim. Another team that works hard to bring you the “unofficial” Tamriel expansions. Although we have shared assets, (The Imperial City in Beyond Skyrim: Bruma are made from assets from Rigmor) our projects are completely separate and standalone. Sure, I will make RoC “compatible” but only so that you can have both installed. I get a lot of people mention how “un-immersive” that is having two Cyrodiils, but I say to those people, what are you going to do when Rebelzize releases Skyblivion?

I have no intention of ever ripping the heart out of Beyonds art, that’s what it would have taken to create my sequel in Beyonds Cyrodiil. Also you have to make decisions to avoid conflicts, can you imagine the headache of the problems that would be created. Rigmor’s story is not compatible with Beyonds main quest. But to Elder Scrolls fans all over the world, it is really a win win situation. Profiles can be created to handle different huge mods, and Rigmor is the same. It’s huge and will require special attention like Enderal.


Beyond assets in Rigmor of Cyrodiil

So wrapping up on this latest note, I have to say it’s been a rollercoaster of a ride. I also know that if you loved Rigmor of Bruma, this is going to completely blow you away emotionally, in some cases controversially, and it ties up a lot of loose ends with the prequel plot. As Sethri would say “Awl will be revealed” you guys should know, if you find yourself escorting Rigmor and Sorella through the Great Forest, conjuring a horse and riding off to “hack and slash” is probably not such a good idea. Join the Rigmor community by following the link to my Facebook page below, or by clicking the link here:


“They shall know your name and tremble...be they Gods, Demons or Kings.”

The Dragonborn comes.

Edited by Rigmor
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Are you able to replace the sorry for an excuse for a white gold tower lod model the vanilla game has in the skyrim worldspace with your imperial City lods.


I have a house mod that overlooks cyrodill but that 6 poly blob thing the vanilla has is gross haha


I'm hoping to do a connection point to the gray fox of nocturnal mod to have all linked provenance, I'll probably do that at some point just a 5 minute ck job :tongue:


I am hoping to do that when I update Rigmor of Bruma once the sequel is released/




Oh i was wondering about a follower feature that rigmor could have perhaps as a separate addon after your main project is complete and released

Its based on a feature vilja another follower mod had where you could ask her to take you somewhere and you become there follower in a sense.


It was a cool feature iv not seen any other follower have it, made them seem more human by saying "hay take me on an adventure" and they start leading you to a random cave or dungeon. You could have a few dialogue choices like "take me to a city/town" and they lead you to where you have selected, "take me to a favourite spot" and so on


I cant remember but i think vilja did this in a radiant way so she would always take you to new places based on a small range of the area your in at the start of the dialogue. I think it just randomly picked a map marked location with in a radius from you or something like that.


Iv always wanted this as a global feature that all followers can do but having rigmor able to do this would be soo cool


Anyway it would be cool for an addon later down the line

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I'm eager to play this new adventure. May I make a suggestion? I read that people would like a more developed Rigmor-as-follower; Vilja was mentioned and I always have Inigo as a reference. I don't really think this level of detail into the follower is needed with Rigmor - the focus of this mod is her adventures with the Dragonborn, and within that scope she is 100% coherent and great. It's a bit melancholic, however, that after such a long and great time spent together, when you finish Rigmor of Bruma she suddenly becomes almost a stranger, without the sense of intimacy that developed through their adventures. I thought of something simple that would help to change this. Taking Inigo as an example, it would be nice if she were given a few topics of conversation that she could start autonomously, or only when you talk to her, when you're sitting down, in one of your homes or in a tavern. Those would be simple memories, like "Dragonborn, remember when we...". They could cast some light into how Rigmor feels about those moments, and she could ask us what we feel too. Just chit-chat, really, but would make such a difference! Other than that, a salutation that reflected her relationship with the player after the adventure would be great.


I have no idea if you're already building this or much more into her follower content, but there's my 2 cents!

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I'm eager to play this new adventure. May I make a suggestion? I read that people would like a more developed Rigmor-as-follower; Vilja was mentioned and I always have Inigo as a reference. I don't really think this level of detail into the follower is needed with Rigmor - the focus of this mod is her adventures with the Dragonborn, and within that scope she is 100% coherent and great. It's a bit melancholic, however, that after such a long and great time spent together, when you finish Rigmor of Bruma she suddenly becomes almost a stranger, without the sense of intimacy that developed through their adventures. I thought of something simple that would help to change this. Taking Inigo as an example, it would be nice if she were given a few topics of conversation that she could start autonomously, or only when you talk to her, when you're sitting down, in one of your homes or in a tavern. Those would be simple memories, like "Dragonborn, remember when we...". They could cast some light into how Rigmor feels about those moments, and she could ask us what we feel too. Just chit-chat, really, but would make such a difference! Other than that, a salutation that reflected her relationship with the player after the adventure would be great.


I have no idea if you're already building this or much more into her follower content, but there's my 2 cents!

This is something I would love to do at some point. It's one of those things I have on the "to do" list. Everything is geared and my focus is on the sequel and it would make sense to do something like this after the main quests. Believe me I have a ton of ideas, I love your suggestions. I want so much more, but as it's not a priority it does get left on the backburner...for now. And not just random banter dialogue, but clever stuff giving a 50% chance of a different response (as a real person would do) Thanks for the input.

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