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Has anyone noticed this?


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What my description is trying to say is: Has anyone noticed that there is a slight stutter in first person perspective, but when switching to third-person, it is virtually non-existant? If you have this issue, and have fixed it, what did you do to solve this issue? I have tried nearly everything under the sun. I run this game at ultra settings without a problem at all. I have between 40-50 frames constant except for the micro-stuttering that just won't go away no matter what I do. I have tried all the .ini tweaks, the large-address-aware, and everything else that I could find, but to no avail. I just got the 1.3 patch and it has caused this issue to worsen. So I am reverting back to 1.1 until this can be fixed.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




P.S. I do not use keyboard and mouse to play. I use a controller since that is more comfortable, so it isn't a mouse-lag issue. Just to clarify that.

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I also have this same issue. I was able to fix it however it came at the cost of some fps. I downloaded the fps limiter mod from skyrim nexus and changed the settings in the antilag.cfg to:






(mod can be found here: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=34)


Running on Ultra Graphics with Tweaked Shadows, 25-40 fps outdoors and 45-60 indoors. Using, high resolution textures and enb series mod.


I found that tweaking the enbpatch.ini to run the fps limiter with the enbseries mod completely removed the microstutter that I was getting however it also reduced my frames to 20-30 fps outdoors and 35 - 50 indoors.


My System:

ATI Radeon HD 4800 series 512MB

Intel Dual Core 2.2GHz

4GB DDR3 Ram


In the end I choose to turn off the fps limiter mod and put up with the micro stutter. However your system may be able to handle it.

Also, using only the fps limiter by itself doesn't cause an fps drop, its only when using it with the enb series mod that I got a drop in fps, but I prefer enbseries.


Hope that helps


Edit: Just to clarify, using the fps limiter by itself with those settings that I posted also removed the micro stutter. It works by limiting the amount of frames that are rendered ahead of your gpu, thus removing the stutter. Without this there is no limit to the amount of frames that are loaded ahead of your gpu and therefore when your gpu catches up it stutters slightly (or a lot depending on how good you gpu is).

Edited by TheTruthHurts
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I have the same problem as well and it only seems to be inside though, but not in all places i just deal with it.


I found it a little puzzling as it ran so well outside, so I eventually reset the settings using the original launcher options, (I use the 4gb launcher usually), to allow Skyrim to rescan my PC, and the micro stutter went. I then used the options in the latest Nvidia beta drivers, 290.36, and selected the Skyrim presets to enhance Skyrim graphics.


I have an i7 @4.2ghz and an overclocked GTX 470, 8gb ram and the default was "very high". I had been fiddling with settings a fair bit which seemed legitimate, but I suspect some of the settings are having some odd effects.

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I think the real question is: How can you possibly be running Skyrim on ultra with a 4800 with 512MB VRAM?! My GTX 460 768MB can only run it on high before the framerate starts to plummet! And my cpu is way better. How is this possible?
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Some hardware runs differently I suppose. I will try the fps limiter though and see how that works. I wont let it limit my fps though due to massive screen tearing. I just can't do that. It bothers my eyes. But I will definitely try it.


Thanks everyone.

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@ Rennn


I don't know why you are having trouble with your system o.O your graphics card is way better than my POS. The only thing I can think of that might be the reason is that I spent a lot of time tweaking everything that I possibly could in order to get Skyrim to run on ultra graphics , when I first installed the game and ran it I had less than 10 fps on medium graphics... then I tried a lot of different ini tweaks and I'm using enbseries antifreeze which helps a lot once it is configured properly for my system. Also had to configure Catalyst Control Centre for better performance. Even with all that my fps wasn't great, it was playable outside and good indoors.


However, after updating to patch 1.3 my fps got even better :D


With patch 1.2 I had 10-15 fps in Markarth using the same settings, with patch 1.3 I now get 20-35 fps in Markarth! If anyone with a dual core processor reads this, I recommend updating to patch 1.3, whatever they did to increase performance on dual core processor works wonders. Don't even need the fps limiter to get rid of stuttering now either patch 1.3 has fixed that for me, probably another effect of the increased performance for dual cores.


Main mods that I'm using:

4GB Launcher Version 4

Anti-Freeze Enb Series

Realistic Water 2048x2048 version by isoku

Whiterun HD textures by Chris2012 (25 - 40 frames after patch 1.3 with the HD textures in Whiterun)

Various HD ground textures.


System: (not overclocked)

Intel Dual Core 2.2GHz

ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series

4GB DDR3 Ram

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Just try this before sayin "oh nono i can play ultra blahblah..."


skyrim laucnher => option

( not general graphic setting, just keep it ultra if you wich) go to advanced then level of detail ultra => high and believe me it doesn't make any noticable difference but the framerate.

Edited by MonsterMonkey
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Just try this before sayin "oh nono i can play ultra blahblah..."


skyrim laucnher => option

( not general graphic setting, just keep it ultra if you wich) go to advanced then level of detail ultra => high and believe me it doesn't make any noticable difference but the framerate.


There is no option in the advanced graphics settings that says "Level of Detail". Please be more specific as to what option you mean. Do you mean Distant Object Detail?

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