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Skyrim Performance


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Heyy guys,

I have a problem with skyrim.

When i had played skyrim the first time, i got the standard video settings for me graphiccard. It was changed in high. But if i play it now it laggs so bad. Are there any mods for better performance? So


Intel I3 sandybridge 3,2ghz

6gb ram

Ati radeon hd 5450 2gb ddr3


And it laggs very bad

I have installed gamebooster but not used for it i can do it next time

I use a lower texture pack and d3dantilag if i installed all right

I did it like this,

In skyrim\data a Textures folder and the extract files in it. And antilag just in the skyrim folder whers .exe is

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I would really just wait for later patches 1.3 apparently did nothing to help. I have a Sapphire HD 4890 and it runs like garbage in the cities but everywhere else its 40 to 60 fps. I have changed my card settings in every way and it made no difference, even setting skyrim to lowest settings only gave me about en extra 5 fps at best, even with the view distance on everything fairly low.
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I'd suggest installing the new 11.11c Catalyst, it boasts a performance boost for all HD5xxx cards for Skyrim. I've a similar setup with you, but with a HD 5970, and I run Skyrim on ultra with 4xSSAA stacked with FXAA on and seems to never drop below 60 FPS. Using the 11.11a previously had me drop below 15 FPS with SSAA and FXAA on and having average of 35fps even with only FXAA on. The difference is gargantuan. I hope it works for you too. Edited by haerual
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I'd suggest installing the new 11.11c Catalyst, it boasts a performance boost for all HD5xxx cards for Skyrim. I've a similar setup with you, but with a HD 5970, and I run Skyrim on ultra with 4xSSAA stacked with FXAA on and seems to never drop below 60 FPS. Using the 11.11a previously had me drop below 15 FPS with SSAA and FXAA on and having average of 35fps even with only FXAA on. The difference is gargantuan. I hope it works for you too.

A stupid question i don't know many about this what is SSAA and FXAA??

And i've downloaded catalyst 11.11c and what should i do now?

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Here is some direct ini tweaks that affect the way the game plays a lot. The major issue with Skyrim is it is a heavily cpu dependent for so much that often my gpu never even gets hot.



Also here is a fix for shadows that you can tinker around with for better play indoors and outdoors since shadows eat a lot of cpu processing


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Sell your Radeon and get an actual video card >.>



I am wanting to save up around 3k or so and build a super.

I think mine is the worst here, Intel GMA 4500MHD or someone have something lower? :dance:

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