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New Skyrim Patch


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It completely messed my game and my fathers game up


he has extreme fps loss, went from a constant 60+ down to 10-25 i on the other hand couldn't load up the main menu screen, just have the logo -.-

Edited by PsYchotic666Joker
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are you at 1.3 update now?



yah I have left it at 1.1 to be safe as well. too many tweaks i have already and a lot of community based stability improvements.

I def wont patch until I get a few days of confirmation the patch is good.

I also want a manual patch since if I turn steam back to online mode it goes back to auto update and I do not want auto update.

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I've seen no problems whatsoever from v1.3.

The only "funny" thing I did get, however, is after loading up a save after installing the patch, my character had both dual-wield weapons displaying, holstered. Drawing or re-equipping makes the off-hand weapon vanish, though, as normal.


I had low-FPS problems, but I think this was Steam downloading the patch in the background while I was playing. Exited and reloaded and everything is back to full speed.


But, then again, I have never experienced much of the doom and gloom so many people have reported in the past. My system just works, I guess.

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Gave it about 30 minutes of gametime after the patch. At this point no problems but I will know more tonight. Mods all seem fine and the 4GB launched without a hitch. No FPS issues at this time either. Will see how it goes.
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