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How to move x/y/z coordinates in nifskope?


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Alternatively, select the mesh in question, and look at where it says "Translation" under block details. Double click, then type in the values you want. You can do the same to set a rotation.


It's pretty much the same thing chucksteel mentioned (just a different way to adjust the same data), but the main advantage is that you can do so for NiNodes, which applies the translation to everything connected to it. It makes it easier to move lots of meshes at once, but the big thing is that it lets you move a collision mesh with the visual mesh (AFAIK, the ONLY way to move a collision mesh in nifskope is to apply the translation to the NiNode it is attached to).



If you want to change the scale of an object, you can do that just fine (same wasy as changing position/rotation, but for "Scale" :P). Unfortunately, it won't scale the collision mesh. If you are just placing it as a piece of decoration (i.e. making it a "Placed Object"/putting it in a cell in the CK), I think adjusting the scale in the object record (XSCL - Scale in FO4Edit) will scale the collision with it. This is based on what I have seen looking at vanilla records (i.e. smaller versions of objects placed in the world having proper collision, and having a value in the "XSCL - Scale" field), but I haven't done much testing to confirm that, so take that with a grain of salt.

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I'm trying to do the same thing. I know the routine mentioned here but after I do the move in nifscope applying it and saving it isn't applying the change in game even though the nif file shows the change.

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What are you trying to change?


If the mesh is used in a Pre-Combined mesh in a cell it will not show in game unless you make an edit to that cell which will Disable Pre-combined meshes Your other option is to Re-Generate Pre-Combined and Pre-Vis for the cell you want to show your changed mesh.

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What are you trying to change?


Right now I'm trying to move a holstered weapon from Holsters and Sheaths mod forward to sit closer to the front of the thigh.


Prior to that I also tried to enlarge the games army helmet I retextured to fit better over my characters hair and it too didn't apply in game after I resized it. That one I didn't bother pursuing at the time so I just changed to a hair style that fit inside the Helmet. But this time I really need the holstered weapon to align with a holster on a outfit so I decided to get help on.

Edited by BlackBlossom
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