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I need help Game Keeps CTD's and I can not figure out why...


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If I decided to use another mod manger other than NMM any links to good ones to use?


Also any programs can run to weed out bad mods outside of loot?

Edited by Darksan24
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maybe you have an unstable mod in there, or an ordering problem with your files. loot can't fix either of those. best to provide load order. a lot of people have tried them before so someone might be able to tell you.


edit: yeah use mod organizer but just be aware that 'fixing' the mod order in it can break your game. better to read mod descriptions and order manually. just makes everything way easier.

Edited by ymf331
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you probably don't want to hear this, but it might be a good idea to learn more about modding and the tools available. even with a lot of knowledge and experience this guide helps. i recommend removing skyrim and reinstalling everything the right way. also maybe reinstall steam directly into c:\steam in case you ever have to upgrade windows. you have the same graphics card i do, and i can tell you that the optimized textures will help a lot in particular.



Edited by ymf331
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I stopped using NMM and started using Mod organizer

Game runs much smoother it did show few conflicting mods...

I ran into a small issue now that I'm trying to fix...


I got multiple followers but can not trade with any of them and

can not dismiss them from service...

goes threw motions but can't trade not get rid of them.

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