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Petition to Bethesda


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aight ... all Fallout 4 fans know how we've been screwed by Bethesda as it pertains to how "avatar" bodies are created and shown in-game. I mean really ... are we gonna stand for this EQ2 crappy style s#*!!!! How does a company go backwards in time ... Skryim bodies etc look so much better... is it really so hard for a company dependent on the modder community ... as Bethesda is ... to not address this issue?


Now to be fair to Bethesda and proving they are not "tone death" ... putting forth the effort on the Updated Skyrim engine is ... just masterful and will provide returns for years to come.


So in that vain ... I suggest YOU ... BETHESDA ... address the limitations YOU created in FO4 ... allow modders to create what you were not able to ... layered and detailed textures! The days of "plastic" skins are history and should be left there!


... lastly if this has been vented / ranted on before ... I apologize ... however for this community it should never be left unsaid nor repeated until resolved!

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Sure let them just rework the entire engine, re-release the game, add a new price tag, and break all mods. Sounds great.


How about you wait for the next game which will surely be under a new engine. If it's not, why even buy the game?

This really.


ya it does feel like step back but redoing all that would basically mean they had to rework every armor and weapon in game as well.


As for a new engine. My hopes are on unreal or 1-2 others that are not only much better performance wise but much faster to work with.

If they continue to repaint the old turd that is gamebroyo I won't pay for another bethseda game.

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Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah... this isn't going to happen for Fallout 4 by Bethesda, and should be addressed in another upcoming game rather than for Fallout 4. I think you might possibly be underestimating exactly how much work goes into creating the game you actually bought. It's not something an intern can knock out in thirty minutes. This is something a team of skilled man and women take months to perfect. Just saying... you might want to beam on down to planet sensible with your expectations. :huh:

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