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King Olaf's Verse


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I'm 87 hours into Skyrim. I was searching for King Olaf's Verse in Dead Man's Respite. The curser is pointing to Skinver's corpse, but the Verse isn't there. I saved after I dropped down the well, or whatever it is. Yes, I'm playing on an Xbox360. I know all you PC people are gonna be hating. What am I supposed to do? Start over? Give up? Please help in anyway you can. Thanks.
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I hear its under is body and maybe stuck in the ground, from comments on videos :thumbsup:



You cannot talk or interact with the ghost of Svaknir. But he had led you to his final resting place. On the ground, his skeleton is grasping the Verse book you are after. Pick it up. The ghost will disappear. Your objective now is to return to the Bards college.

Edited by Guss
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You do know that you can interact / drag stuff away and around right? it works for pc so it should work for console too. Though it's fixed I figured I might as well share this.
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