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Questions about level lists


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I am getting a headache trying to wrap my brain around the compatibility of leveled lists.


Specifically, Immersive Creatures, OBIS, Immersive Patrols, Wintermyst, Lore Weapon Expansion, Heavy Armory, and Expanded Skyrim Weaponry all sound like they would be awesome mods to have and their features are added via level lists.


My question is whether or not these mods all work as intended when in combination with each other.


For example, will the enemies from Immersive Creatures, OBIS, and Immersive Patrols carry any of the additional mod weapons added to the level list, or will adding these creature mods make them harder to find (if they will only be found on vanilla enemies)? Then, on top of that, will Wintermyst's enchantment be found on modded weapons added through the level lists or on weapons carried by the enemies of the creature mods?


I know they would technically probably be compatible, but I don't want to make it so the awesome enchantments from Wintermyst are only found on a fraction of (vanilla) weapons found only on a fraction of (vanilla) enemies. My goal would be fighting a new enemy type added by a mod (such as Immersive Creatures or Immersive patrols), killing it and receiving a modded weapon (such as lore weapon expansion or heavy armory) that has a modded enchantment (from Wintermyst).


Thanks for giving me your time to help me

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If the mod added creature uses stock leveled lists, then it would have the potential to have a mod added weapon or armor from the leveled list. Enchantments are typically applied directly to a given weapon. Unless there is a patch or some SKSE based scripting, I don't think that Wintermyst enchantments would be found on other mod added weapons.


To ensure the best compatibility, use Wrye Bash to create a bashed patch and have any leveled lists that are edited multiple times merged.

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Thanks for your reply!


So, if I understand it right: Typically, enchantment mods do not apply to weapon mods (with the possible exception of World's Dawn?).


But, if a mod adds enemies, but those enemies use vanilla leveled lists for items, then modded weapons or vanilla weapons with modded enchantments might be found on them? (Bashed patch and merged level lists required).


Do you happen to know off the top of your head if OBIS, Immersive Creatures, or if Immersive Patrols would allow for modded weapons (to be found on modded enemies)?

Edited by GodRoy
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