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What is required to give hair physics to NPCs


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So, I was looking for mods that allows you to add physics to hair and found this:


KS Hairdos - HDT Physics


This allows hair physics to the player only. So, I thought to myself why not replace the NPC hair with those of the mod above to do a mini overhaul. I have basic mod information since my last experience with some issues with CBBE. I would love to know what is required to accomplish what I want by copying files from the mod above into the associated folders for NPCs. Is this possible? Do I need to know something about this process. Any information or guides are appreciated.

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Hairs that are available to the player are available for NPCs to use. All you need to do is make the hair mod a master for your plugin. If it is not already an ESM you will need to temporarily 'esmify' the ESP while you do your work in the Creation Kit.


The hairs in KS Hairdos - HDT Physics are already set up to work with HDT PE even if used by an NPC. So all you'd need to do is load the hair mod in the Creation Kit as a master and assign the desired hairs to the desired NPCs. Whenever you are finished working on the mod or wish to test changes in the game, you'll need to 'espify' the hair mod (unless it was an ESM to begin with) otherwise it won't behave as intended.


You can use Wrye Bash to 'emify' and 'espify' by right clicking on the hair mod's plugin and choosing one or the other.


Since you will be editing actor records, you need to first save your plugin before you make any changes. This is so that after editing an NPC you can use Ctrl+F4 to export the face gen data files in order to avoid the grey face bug.

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A KS Hairdos - HDT Physics Wig made with NifScope other wise known has helmet hair. It easy to do there a tutorial on how to do it, on the nexus. Then load it CK has a Helmet Not Hair. Then give it to NPC to wear.

You can't Export Normal HDT Hair with Crtl F4 so normal hair doesn't work. Sorry I couldn't the remember name of the "Tutorial" but it downloadable Mod, I use it to make Breast Weighted BBP Hair Hairs Wigs(Unreleased).

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What about HDT hair can't be exported? This is news to me. Not that I've ever tried it. Only reason I thought the helmet thing existed was in order to limit the HDT to specific NPCs rather than hogging up resources by trying to run havok on every NPC.


The first time time I try it, I did exactly like you described & it was a disaster, no bones, no xml, nothing & it crash my game. The Creation Kit I guess wasn't made to export Hair Bones with NiString Data Paths (xml), on further investigations I discovered wigs. The HDT Hairs Wigs are kinda glitchy but work, Gamefever's BreastWeighted BBP Hair works perfectly has a wig with no bugs. To be honesty I haven't try it, BBP Hair has Hair, just has Helmet Hair, so I don't know how the CK will export it. But I started liking the wig idea to change the Follower NPC hair style quickly. Also I wouldn't bother giving to a non-follower NPC has a helmet, for the resource reasons you stated.




For glitchy havok reason HDT Wigs for Followers Only, BBP Wigs for all NPC is ok.

And I have no intentions of releasing mine, so there a idea for a Mod: Breast Weighted Wigs for HDT Followers with hair that cover their breasts, for that perfect bounce. Just Sayin'

Edited by PeterMartyr
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