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Please help. Can't solve my graphics issues.


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After running DynDOLOD a few days ago I have had these graphical issues in my skyrim, unmodded and modded, reinstalled game and steam, along with removing all mod files and NMM files in my computer. even reset my computer to factory trying to resolve this and it was all for nothing. The problem remains. If anyone can help me out, please post any ideas that may have caused this or may resolve this please. The following link should show a screenshot of my problem. Load order and mod list is pretty much moot because this problem persists through reinstall of skyrim, skse, steam and Nexus Mod Manager. When i was running DYNDOLOD i had Purity, Purity Billboards and Undistinguishable Vanilla Tree Billboards installed, when i tried tested the new setup it was not working properly so i decided rather than troubleshoot this and try to fix it to uninstall and start over. when i started over and tested the game with just vanilla skyrim i still had this issue of missing and popping in and out LOD ground textures.




Edited by Darkone924
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Since you seem to have covered the vast majority of software issues, I'll speculate on possible hardware problems.


I saw something similar when my (original) GTX 670 started to die. I'm not absolutely saying your GPU is biting the dust, but it is a possibility. If you have access to another graphics card, plug it into your board and reload your game. If the problem has gone away, then you know the issue is with your GPU.


Also, although a bit less likely, you might be having a problem with a failing PSU. Same test. Plug another power supply (make sure it's beefy enough) into your rig and see if the problem goes away.


Finally, although a LOT less likely, you might be having issues loading cells due to RAM problems. But that's something I have no experience with.

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Thanks for the reply. I really hope its not a hardware issue. I just purchased this graphics card in March of 2016 so its not that old.. if its gone out on me already then I must have gotten a faulty card. I don't have another GPU to test your theory, anyway I can test my current card to see if its working properly? I'm not too good with hardware to be honest, I have all the work done on my computer I don't do any of it myself... If you have any ideas on a way to troubleshoot the GPU I would appreciate it. Thanks again for your reply.

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Sorry it took so long for me to get back to you. Had to deal with the hurricane down here in Florida.


You can use GPU-Z to check your card's functions while you run stress tests (and games) to see if anything weird starts happening. When something is outside parameters (temperature, voltage, etc.) GPU-Z will outline the problem in red. You might have to refer to their pdf file for an explanation or simply google the result(s).


But if you can borrow a friend's or relative's GPU, it really is the best way to check.

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