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mod organizer overwrite files


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Okay... I'm now to [2.N. Patches] section... and now I'm totally lost! I'm watching videos, I'm reading guides... but these are all Greek to me!

I "assume" I NEED these mods (in this section), to make the STEP run, right?!

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For the way they want STEP to run, yes, you need them.


The STEP compilation should be straightforward, its a scripted installer available on the NEXUS and it should automatically offer what you need based upon whether you chose to go with just the core or the extended version of STEP. You can't go without this one at all as it provides modifications to allow many of the mods you have already installed to work together as intended. It also provides additional plugins that were originally separate mods but they were given permission to incorporate.


The bashed patch is simple to create. Start up Wrye Bash through MO after having ran LOOT, right click on the bashed patch esp and choose 'rebuild bashed patch' (or whatever it is called). Just go with the default options it gives you unless the STEP guide specifically says to set something else. Whether you do STEP or not, this is one patch that you should learn how to create. It merges leveled lists and allows more than one mod to have their edits included.


I never did a full extended so I can't tell you anything about the Dual Sheath Redux


Better shaped weapons is also a scripted installer and STEP tells you exactly which options to select. Last time I did STEP, I believe those instructions were still accurate.


FNIS is fairly straightforward once you get it installed and setup to run through MO. Run the Generate For Users file, select the top two boxes in the patches section and then tell it to run/generate. Transfer the output files from the overwrite folder into a mod folder dedicated to FNIS output files. You'll need it as you'll have to re-run FNIS anytime you make changes to animation related mods.


DynDOLOD. That is complicated and will take time to learn. You can probably leave DynDOLOD off for now, just keep in mind that your LOD will not be as good as it could.


Best thing I can say is to watch Gopher or GamerPoets videos on the subjects. Do a lot of pausing and switching back to the programs to do what they were doing.


The nice thing is that you are using Mod Organizer. If you screw up, you can just delete/remove that mod and try again without having screwed up the rest of the installed mods.

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Okay... I tested (the game). Seems fine, but I have some issues (don't know if some of the 200+ mods are running):

1) I installed the HUD and checked the settings in MCM (in the game), but when I'm going Stealth... the bow cross-mark is gone! I mean, I can't aim the damn thing, there isn't any target mark.

2) The First Person camera STEP settings are not so good. In the beginning (execution, Alduin), I step-up from the car and moved... and I could see... through my head and back neck! Obviously, the camera values for the First Person (STEP) make the camera to MOVE A BIT BACK (from the eyes position) and I can see... my head, through my head, etc.

3) Although I placed in the mods 1K-2K textures, especially the shadows are very blurry and "tearing".

4) Body textures (skin, faces) still are not well, looks like Vanilla's.

5) I installed these mods for "boosting" smoke, candles, etc., but I didn't see any smoke or so in so many "lighting sources" in the keep.

6) I hate how dark they do caves/dungeons/nights most of the "very advanced" mods set, but STEP still has the game with VERY bright dark areas.

7) I had 4-5 imperial boots and I tried to get rid a couple and when I pressed the drop button... all went to the ground, not one-by-one. And in some case (over 6), I didn't had the slider to pick the amount.

8) Generally, the environments (exterior) looking great, but the interiors in some cases are not similar great (they are BETTER than Vanilla, but not so great as the exterior scenes). Still, bodies, textures, skins, faces are terrible (even my character's). I thought they would (changed).

...These for now. Any help?

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How to get individual mods working the way you want, I can't help with. All I can say is read the documentation that came with each mod and test any in-game settings. Modding is up to personal choice. STEP is merely a guide to get your game working in one specific way. Not everyone will enjoy that.

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I unchecked the "Climates" mod and the lighting is good again - obviously there is conflict with STEP other lighting mods.

Also... I truly don't know what I did... but the Sneak mode crosshair appears!

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In STEP guide-set up, in [2.N.Patches], I have this Dual Sheath patch...

The instructions saying "go to Data and locate the SkyProc...", but there isn't such thing. I don't remember installing such patch - and obviously I can't find it.

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