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How should I deal with this?


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I live in a room at my college.


I live in a suite. That means me and one other room share a foyer and a bathroom.


My roommate is a huge p****y that fights with his gf every night then says "babe, I'm sorry" every single night. But he will (thank god) be moving out come december. I also have suitemates, and I only dislike one... the one this thread is mainly about. We shall call him "E". He pisses on the toilet, doesn't flush, doesn't wash his hands, and doesn't bother lifting the seat. He also leaves on the bathroom light and the door open. Walks away like nothing happened. I've talked to my RA about it (room assistant) and even confronted him beforehand. I'm almost certain he's doing it to piss me off now. I'm thinking of confronting him again, and this time I'm going to email someone with more authority. I know it's him... he was the only one here besides me.


Not only that but he dirties up the sink and glass, by leaving his gross looking tooth brush out. which dries, so our counter is spotted. I'd take a picture, but I think you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, these aren't the hugest things to cry about in the world, I'm just extremely angry with how ignorant he is, even when I've pointed it out. He has a girl over now, and he peed all over the seat and didn't flush it. I'm thinking of calling him out...


Do you guys have any ideas?

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I almost got into a similar, terrible situation. At the end of the previous year, I was about to become suitemates with a friend's original roommate, who was equally a slob. He did all of the things you just described, and even used to leave crumbs of tortilla chips and Starburst wrappers. He would stay in the room all the time and microwave all his food without a plate, and the spanking new microwave after a month looked like it had aged a decade. He had also not shaved for a couple months, and his beard became rather curly and unruly. It really only takes one sour, bad roommate to spoil everything. (This guy was a mechanical engineering major with a music minor, 26 credits, dropped four classes, left with only music classes.) Eventually he took residency in the tech lab and eventually left my university.


In regards to you: it's good that you confronted your suitemate about it. What did your RA say about your situation? I recommend talking with your community/housing adviser that you think you have a serious problem. These are the only people that I say can really change things.


I would confront your suitemate again and make sure he listens. If you haven't: pull him aside, away from all distractions and look at him in the eyes and tell him you mean what you say. Tell him the specific things you don't like him doing. I don't recommend visibly displaying your anger; be calm, mature and genuine.


My good friend here at my university was locked in with the pig I described above for an entire year. Hopefully things work in your favor.


College is so full of interesting and strange people...

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well I did pull him aside already, he was with a girl which... is sad...


Anyways I pulled him aside and told him exactly what you had described (before even reading your post lol)


I had talked with my RA and she talked with him. She asked me "what else do you want me to do?" ... well first off it was in our contract (yes, I added it in thank god).


He didn't seem happy (I dont care) but I told him I can be the biggest a** hole if I need to be, and will skip the RA and go straight to the community director which I know from my job (I work in the res life main office lol) and had already reported the issue to my RA so this is likely in my favor. He tried pushing it off like it wasn't him. Well guess what? the toilet wasn't like that when I walked in earlier today, and he and I were the only 2 here, and I didn't do it... :psyduck:


I don't care what his room is like, he is not my roommate, but for the things that we are forced to share, I expect him to be considerate, and it is completely fair. After all... when it comes to room inspection we all would have a lot less to clean up if he would have been more clean in the first place.

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He tried pushing it off like it wasn't him. Well guess what? the toilet wasn't like that when I walked in earlier today, and he and I were the only 2 here, and I didn't do it... :psyduck:

his girlfriend did it


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