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Mod Limit Question.


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My Google-Fu isn't great, however every permeation of this question gave essentially the same results with no answer to what I wanted to know.


I know mod limit is 255 plugins, is that Total or Active?


According to NMM:

Total Plugins: 260 | Active Plugins: 248 | Total Mods: 362 | Installed Mods: 350 | Active Mods: 350


Thank You for your help.

Edited by l0new0lf331
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If you ask a Gamer they say 255, if ask a Modder who can Code, they say 254.


Who you believe is up to you.


Edit: That registered plugins, not Replacers Mods or SKSE Plugins like Crash Fixes


Edit 2: Remember the Index Start with 0 - 254 so 255 is Right and Wrong


Edit 3: So Mod Index Number 255 will not WORK.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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Guess who a Modder who can Coded? MEEEEEEEEEEEE.


Edit Any One Foolish Enough To Argue With Me?

*pulls off glove and slaps Peter* i am foolish enough!



Okie dokie, your on my inquisitive friend, cos I got a jar of dirt, cos I got a jar dirt..... (trip, fall, quickly recover)

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Clarification on NMM index, it wrong it should be zero, notice the game start with zero. Very poor form nexus programmers, put it on list to fix. :laugh:



I couldn't laughing all this time there been a disagreement cos NMM is wrong.

Edited by PeterMartyr
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