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Missing Chunks of Land and Yellow Exclamation Points


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Right off the bat let me say this version of Oblivion I'm playing on is heavily modded. I could try nuking my install and starting over but I've done that too many times and I can actually get the game to run.

So I'm going to try and fix it. I need some help, though identifying the problematic mods and any conflicts. I'll post my mod load list as well as the few mods I installed via NMM. Most of the mods I installed manually since NMM doesn't always get along with old mods from before it was made.




Any help would be more than appreciated.

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Didn't watch the whole video ... that first one looked like a typical land tear caused by two or more mods affecting the same piece of terrain.


First thing I'd try is sort your load order with BOSS. It is the best load order tool for Oblivion. If you still find some land tears then you'll need to load your landscape altering mods in TES4Edit and look in it's left hand panel for conflicts. Using TES4Edit is explained in the Information tab.


Best to load only Oblivion.esm and then have a read through that first (start TES4Edit, right click in the load order pop-up and Select None, which unticks everything then tick Oblivion.esm and OK). I copy/pasted stuff from the Info tab into a text document that I can refer to when I use it (which isn't often enough for me to remember stuff like the colour code meanings etc).

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Didn't watch the whole video ... that first one looked like a typical land tear caused by two or more mods affecting the same piece of terrain.


First thing I'd try is sort your load order with BOSS. It is the best load order tool for Oblivion. If you still find some land tears then you'll need to load your landscape altering mods in TES4Edit and look in it's left hand panel for conflicts. Using TES4Edit is explained in the Information tab.


Best to load only Oblivion.esm and then have a read through that first (start TES4Edit, right click in the load order pop-up and Select None, which unticks everything then tick Oblivion.esm and OK). I copy/pasted stuff from the Info tab into a text document that I can refer to when I use it (which isn't often enough for me to remember stuff like the colour code meanings etc).


It was the Grass Overhaul mod that was causing the problem with the landscape. Now I need to fix the Imperial City. I think I know the problem with that.

But now it's lagging, so I don't know what to do about that.

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Lagging is a "feature" that comes with Better Cities for some folks. I've never used it so I can't say for certain if that is the problem or if so, how to fix it.


Only way I know to have a good handle on exactly how each mod you add to the game affects things in the game is to install a single mod at a time and test thoroughly in between. Took me weeks to get my base mods installed (but to most people many of my testing session would look more like a gaming session). In the end I understand exactly how each mod affects performance, stability and gameplay.

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Okay. Lag problem has been resolved. Imperial City problem resolved. Everything checks out in that regard.

The only problem is that I seem to installed a mod that makes it impossible to use the wait command.

But y'know I guess I can deal with that.


Thanks, guys.

Edited by Xamrin
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it got no textures attached to it (invisible)....try to copy the textures from the original mod....

or maybe you should check up your NIFs and see if they are pink in color (no textures)

and try to find the path of the textures using NIF to the texture folder (usually meshes and textures got the same name)

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