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Female models and animations from TERA online


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When importing meshes is made easier (With the CK) and not such a shot-in-the-dark-process, newer and better meshes will come flooding in to Skyrim for sure. Those do look pretty good. But Unreal Engine 3 just beats the knocking mud out of the Gamebryo engine... (something to do with it being a NEW constantly updated engine, making the difference.) I can't help but wonder how awesome Skyrim would really look if it was on the U3 engine instead of the dated and over used Gamebryo. (Yes it is the Gamebryo still. they just slapped some better rendering in it and called it something different.)
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Is it possible to replace female models to models from TERA online?




This game was created with Unreal Engine 3 it has gorgeous models.

Even better would be get some armor models and animations from it.


That would be illegal AFAIK.

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