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We have: Nexus Site Forums, Skyrim, and Skyrim Modding.

But after that, EVERYTHING UNDER SUN is posted in 3 sub-forums. It gets harder EVERY DAY to find the 'good' stuff, without having to wade through a bog of stale, festering posts that noone cares about.



1 - a Skyrim Modding TUTORIAL SECTION; to correlate pertinent (and TESTED) information... to better aid the noobs (which at this point in Skyrim Modding, is virtually everyone)


2 - a Skyrim Modding MOD RELEASE SECTION; notifications of pending or current releases and updates. As it stands, these announcements get buried immediately by someone commenting on their dog's bowel movements in-game.


3 - a wherever NOISY-BABY-CRY-ROOM SECTION; where people could gripe and whine to each other.. instead of to EVERYONE.


4 - a Skyrim Modding NOOB SECTION; which is the place to ask all the 'dumb' questions noone is supposed to have (that's a JOKE.. there really ARE almost no 'stupid questions'). Post requests/answers for info, pointers, or whatever a noob diving into the "SKYRIM MOD TALK" ocean is liable to be interested in (whereas I think it'd be better for them to have their own 'kiddy-pool' ...no offense)


I hope we can get this Skyrim flotsam & jetsam cleaned up a little, post-release deluge.

Thanks for listening and, hopefully... seriously considering these suggestions in some form or another.


(though I fear this post has ALREADY been buried... ne'r to be viewed by the powers that be...)

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Yeah, that makes sense. Especially once the CK comes out, there's going to be a flood of new posts. So what i think might work:


1.Modding, help

-general modeling/texturing

-CK tools help


2. Mods, WIP

3. Mods, complete(release announcements)

4. mod requests/suggestions

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This should probably be posted in THIS forum.


That said, I thinkk a lot of the regulars and long time members are just fine with the way Dark0ne and staff have the forums set up. I hate having a crapload of subforums, makes it more difficult to keep track of more subjects, and it makes the moderators jobs more difficult.

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3 - a wherever NOISY-BABY-CRY-ROOM SECTION; where people could gripe and whine to each other.. instead of to EVERYONE.



we have private modding forums already.


Yeah, that makes sense. Especially once the CK comes out, there's going to be a flood of new posts. So what i think might work:


1.Modding, help

-general modeling/texturing

-CK tools help


2. Mods, WIP

3. Mods, complete(release announcements)

4. mod requests/suggestions

Um... that is how it has always been.


1: Mod troubleshooting

- there are even forums that are specifically for 3d and 2d general. Anything not to do with general 3d or 2d would be mod related.


2: mod talk

3: release threads


Edited by Ghogiel
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Perhaps you should check out the nexus wiki, might find what you are looking for or where to put what you want to add.





Someday you may meet the requirements [mod authors forums] for admittance to that area. It is automatic when certain conditions are met.

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Um... that is how it has always been.


1: Mod troubleshooting

- there are even forums that are specifically for 3d and 2d general. Anything not to do with general 3d or 2d would be mod related.


2: mod talk

3: release threads



Ah, there is a release forum. But it's not under "skyrim modding", it's separate under "files". That's why I missed it, I don't normally go to the top of the forums. :psyduck:

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