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Wyre Bash - Oblivion.ini chaos - Long lines


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Is it normal the Wyre Bash makes your Oblivion.ini look this::



[General]SStartingCell=SStartingCellY=SStartingCellX=SStartingWorld=STestFile10=STestFile9=STestFile8=STestFi ... etc...


It's pretty frustrating to edit it afterwards in notepad now ;\

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That's the way it is for me too (and I have seen reports of the same elsewhere). I just use the Find function off the Edit menu in Notepad when I need to check/change something.

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Hi all,

you may substitute all 0A by 0D0A (it means substitute <line feed> by >carriage return & line feed>.

A hex-Editor is useful to do that.


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Hi all,

you may substitute all 0A by 0D0A (it means substitute <line feed> by >carriage return & line feed>.

A hex-Editor is useful to do that.


Thanks mafriwowo. That was annoying me too.


For anyone unfamiliar with hex editing, who might want clearer instructions.

Open the .ini in a hex editor.

I used HxD. Available here: http://download.cnet.com/HxD-Hex-Editor/3000-2352_4-10891068.html

Go Edit > select all

Go Search >

Search for: 0A

Replace with: 0D0A

Datatype: Hex-values

Replace all




A message will tell you that it will change the size of the file, click OK.

File > Save.




Edited by olnorton
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