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Free camera rotation with weapon/spell drawn


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I saw this mod on either mxr or gamespot's skyrim mod show but there is a mod out there that lets you rotate the camera around you character with their weapon drawn just like you could if the had them sheathed. If this mod doesnt conflict with customizable camera, then this would make a lot more screenshots eaiser.

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Thanks for the tips. I'll try the holding F thing.

Find a Mod I'm sure some one made it by now for those who can't do the above.

The main point of this post is that there IS a mod for that but I cant remember what it's called or what video I saw it in but if the f key thing works maybe I dont need it.


EDIT: The mod only let you walk/run in different directions relitive to the camera but I cant remember if it worked when weapons drawn.

Edited by pyrophiliac777
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Just realized what the vanity mode is: that's the thing where it switches from 1st person to 3rd person. I tried holding F not realizing I moved that to mouse wheel click. Derpity derp derp i'm dumb. (not really). Still gonna get that better free camera mod mainly so I can take .jpg screenshots. I'm running out of keys on my keyboard. Mods are eating them all.



Edited by pyrophiliac777
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