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Never played New Vegas


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Play the game vanilla-ish at first, and use only the minimal amount of bug-fix and 'quality-of-life' mods (like user interfaces) before you ram it with other mods. There's a lot of stupid 'essential' mod talk that goes about but I think it's good to appreciate how solid the game really is in its intended state. In terms of character I like the sneaky, smooth-talker archetype but any kind of character is good to be honest.

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Fallout New Vegas is more of a role playing game and less of a dumbed-down console shooter. If you like console shooters, you may actually be disappointed in New Vegas.


The graphics of FNV are also pretty dated and suck compared to those of FO4. You can install some ENB mods and whatever to help a bit, but I stick to the vanilla graphics.


FO4, being a console shooter, stresses combat characters. FNV, being more of a role playing game, allows much more flexibility in characters. Go with the type of character you like rather than worrying about what character will do best in combat or whatever. If you want to shotgun your way through a situation, you can take that approach. If you want to stealth and speech your way through, that works too.


One of the big plusses of FNV is that the things you do actually matter. For FO4, if you follow the main quest, you really only get to make one choice that means anything through the entire game. You pick which faction you want to win. That's it. With FNV, there are multiple factions and your decisions can have big consequences for any of those factions, all independently. Also in FNV, not only do your actions matter, but so do your conversation options. You can lock yourself out of certain quests or piss of characters to the point where they won't even talk to you just through conversation options. It's completely unlike FO4's conversation options, which all end up at the same result no matter what.


Similarly, if you want to be a complete a-hole, you can. If you want to be evil, you can. If you want to have a companion, you can. If you want to be alone, you can. There's no forced spouse or other forced situations. Your character has a lot more freedom to be whatever they want to be. The Legion are basically the bad guys, but if you want to side with them, you can (won't make much sense if you are female, but otherwise there's nothing stopping you). You don't have to play the good guy. You can if you want, but you don't have to. This is what FNV does right and FO4 totally misses the point on. You can be what you want and you can do what you want, and what you do matters.


FNV also has a functioning and interesting survival mode, which they confusingly call hardcore mode (and in FO4, they have a hardcode mode that they confusingly call survival mode, just to be consistent in their inconsistency). The FNV version is much more interesting in that it adds some realism and interesting gameplay without borking the entire game into some nightmare difficulty mess where you can't even save to prevent the game from breaking on you.


I strongly recommend getting New Vegas Anti-Crash.

Edited by madmongo
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keep in mind that the engine is the same, seems a product "of the house", but this is not a Bethesda's game. do not expect every two steps you will discover a new place full of things to shoot because reasons.


Remember the game is in a desert, so YES, there is a lot of empty spaces. And no, no perks every level. Trust me, 12 to 15 perks is all you need.


If this is no trouble for you, get ready for the best Fallout ever.


Before start your char you need to know: all the dlcs (aside pre orders packs) are mandatory. PERIOD.


a easy build for a beginner is based on high luck and inteligence and high speech/science/repair. Others usefull skills are sneak and first aid. Forget about survival, is only for advanced users.


About the combat: there's a diversity of gunpowder ammo, is a little confuse, so go with energy weapons. After you fully mod a laser rifle, Mojave is your b&@*$ (you hear me. Belive or not, the fully moded laser rifle is the best weapon of the game).

Edited by YanL
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Thanks for the replies! After just a couple hours of playing I am already amazed how much more complex this game is than FO4. It was a little overwhelming at first but I am really enjoying it now. Kind of makes me realize how much better F04 could have been. (Especially the minutemen don't even get me started there.)

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Forget to tell you a really important tip.




If you start killing Legionaries or NCR soldiers, they will send hit squads to hunt down your head.


This guys always appears out of nowhere once per day, they are the strongest of the game and they even can kill importants NPC´s that gives you quests (aside one character, ALL npc´s can be killed) and even your companion if you are playing in the hardcore mode.


edit: If you are already being hunted by them, still have one last chance to make peace with this faction, forward.

Edited by YanL
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  • 3 weeks later...

FNV, is a great game, even with the bugs. I'm on my 20th or so play through LOL. The cool part is, at least for me, is that every play through you stumble across something you missed the first time. A minor quest, a piece of equipment, a location you hadn't found before. Modding it makes things even more interesting. the first time I added Nevada skies, I ended up battling death claws in a sandstorm at one point, talk about a wild fight.


Hope you enjoy, as old as it is, its still a great game.

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