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Is anyone planning on rebuilding Helgen?


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My project for Skyrim is going to involve having the player assume the role as a Founder and Jarl of a city. So far my general idea is to have the player involved in the civil aspect of the city on a personal level. A quest will lead the player to save a tiny settlement from a dragon and help out with the rebuilding. At first the help will be collecting mundane materials, ie wood, metals, food. Some key NPCs will take root from here and give quests to search out some of the people that fled from the dragon. Important people - the builders, a hunter, a farmer - that are needed to support a village.

Eventually people come to live in your town, and you'll be able to set the taxes for upper and the lower class. You can build your city ideally any way you want it, you'll have to distribute coin to grow the citys resources. Decide whether you want to export wood, ores, goods or food, and set up trade relations for each. Eventually you'll find yourself, if you're smart, in charge of a powerful city, with an ever-expanding castle to call home.


I don't have a set location yet, I can never decide a good place to set it. I'm coming from New Vegas which imo had a smaller modding audience than say Fallout 3 or Oblivion. I'm sure at rate, the quality and quantity of mods we'll see for Skyrim will dwarf those of New Vegas. I'm sure the likelihood of crowding out and conflicts with more major mods will be much higher.


My question then; has anyone here already 'claimed' Helgen? More so out of curiousity as I will most likely make a new small worldspace for my location. That always comes with it a lot more work so I'm wondering if Helgen would be a better idea?

Edited by PaladinRider
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I've decided against it in favour of a new worldspace or building on the edge of the map if I can find a good place. Reason being: Helgen isn't in it's own hold which causes problems as I want to have the player become a Jarl.. Can't if Helgen is a part of Falkreath Hold. Also, having the main quest begin there may cause some issues down the road - especially if the beginning cart sequence is on rails and if I want to expand in the future.
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West of Falkreath is a brilliant mountain range that AFAIK is pretty empty(Haven't explored there but looks empty).

South Windhelm is a nice empty marsh but if you want it to fit in the world then i would rather eat rotten eggs than build a city on a marsh.

South-West of Labarynthian and East of Rorikstead is a nice river which could make a great city river for your city to be next to

Finally south of Mor Khazgur and north of Dragontooth is what looks like a reasonably empty valley you could put your city in.


Just throwing in suggestions.

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Looks like someones got some exploring to do if they're not using Helgen lol. I can scout around on the lower maps since I like jumpin up on the mountains and seeing how high I can get. Unless another interesting idea is you can make a large island in the northern ocean and maybe make it a port town?
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I don't understand. Is this about rebuilding Helgen (which is still on the map, just in ruins) or building your own town?

I think he wants to see if anyone is going to rebuild helgen as if not he is considering taking it up as the basis for the new mod town.

Just throwing out this idea,I may be wrong.

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West of Falkreath is a brilliant mountain range that AFAIK is pretty empty(Haven't explored there but looks empty).

South Windhelm is a nice empty marsh but if you want it to fit in the world then i would rather eat rotten eggs than build a city on a marsh.

South-West of Labarynthian and East of Rorikstead is a nice river which could make a great city river for your city to be next to

Finally south of Mor Khazgur and north of Dragontooth is what looks like a reasonably empty valley you could put your city in.


Just throwing in suggestions.


Haha reminds me of Monty Python. "We built a castle... but it sunk into the swamp. So we built another castle! But it too sunk into the swamp. We built a third castle! It burned down, fell over, then sunk into the swamp. But the fourth castle! The fourth castle stood!"



Looks like someones got some exploring to do if they're not using Helgen lol. I can scout around on the lower maps since I like jumpin up on the mountains and seeing how high I can get. Unless another interesting idea is you can make a large island in the northern ocean and maybe make it a port town?


That is a likely possibility I'm considering. I wanted to have the player start off with next to nothing and able to build a village into a city. An island would be good and I might end up doing that. I want the player to establish trade and it would be a little more difficult from an island.


I don't understand. Is this about rebuilding Helgen (which is still on the map, just in ruins) or building your own town?

I think he wants to see if anyone is going to rebuild helgen as if not he is considering taking it up as the basis for the new mod town.

Just throwing out this idea,I may be wrong.


I had originally considered rebuilding Helgen, but I think Helgen is going to be tackled by many people. They just don't want to post to give away details yet I'm guessing.

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As for trading from an island have a huge bridge or just lots of ships or hell if you are feeling creative have something akin to an oblivion gate on the island and the mainland connecting the two together.

I also thought of monty python when I suggested the marsh then when I remembered the line it occured to me that a marsh is not cool to build on but you could leave it as a choice for players if you like tears of rage as their 1 million ton castle sinks right into the marsh

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I was thinking of a small worldspace. I could use impassable mountains to wall it in - I want to avoid invisible walls, but I have to logically limit the size of the worldspace. An island would be no problem, but I'd have it like a Vvardenfell - a small island seemingly in the middle of nowhere... Much smaller of course. I could expand it as I go along.


So far I'm planning to have one hostile settlement that will impede the player's progress

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